So much has been happening in my life over the past month or so, some big changes in store for me and the family. I have finally made some decisions on what I need to be focusing on at this time in my life and how to be better. I'm learning what I want from myself and life (yes, it has taken me many years!). Today is the first day of many new things...
1. I worked the final day at my job yesterday! The job that has caused me so much stress and anxiety is now removed from my life. I am no longer required to push family commitments aside to be at work in evenings or weekends or working from home to finish countless hours of charting. I woke this morning with such a sense of relief and calm, I slept great and feel refreshed not dread and anxiety. I am excited for my new opportunity that is much different and very much employee friendly. I am scared leaving a very stable full time job for something with some uncertainty but sometimes you just need to take the leap!
2. Summer Bucket List O and I have started writing our summer list of fun things to do. With me being home more we can spend time making memories and I can mom instead of being that crazy woman who gets home with little left to give. We have been getting out already walking or running with the dogs to explore nature. Earlier this week we found this guy (or girl) hanging by the playground. W
hat is on your summer bucket list?
3. Storms! Sunday morning started with a bang, literally! We woke and I thought I could get my run but the skies quickly turned dark then the winds and rain started followed by snow! Okay not really, it was hail but it got so bad in some areas near us that snowplows were out! This picture at our house doesn't even show the worst!
4. Changing my focus (a little). Over the past month I've continued to train for a marathon and at the same time added in more crossfit days which I love. In the next few weeks I am changing my focus to more crossfit but still running. I was so excited to do 4 pullups unassisted last week! Evan better, I was called a crossfitter (is that a word?). In a room full of mnonrunners, it was pointed out how many marathon runners can do pullups and how many crossfitters can run marathons?! But I still hate burpees!
5. I might be running a marathon tomorrow... (just leaving it at that). No pressure, have fun, kick some marathon @$$ and be tougher than my mind!
What are your weekend plans?
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