Back to Reality

I'm back, I won't bore you with the details of everything that has happened since my last post, but things have been going pretty good. I just got back from the gym and spent 1 hour on the bike, I ran into a TNT teammate who is now a trainer at the gym.
On the running side of things the leg is still getting better. I am actually running continuously now, no walking anymore. I am up to 45 mins of running, I never thought I would be excitied about being able to do that, but that means I can get in almost 6 miles! Training for Grandma's starts on Monday, so I'm glad that things are still good with the leg and I am up to almost 6 mile runs. This isn't quite where I wanted to be and I'm rethinking the training plan I will use since my original plan (Pfitz 18/70) would have me running 12 miles next weekend, I think that might be a little much.
I am just excited because it is supposed to be almost 30 this weekend! I can't wait to get outside and run again.


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