Fueling for a 50K...WIAW

Getting back on track with eating after a few days of post race hunger and indulging. So today will be a different version of WIAW, instead how I fueled for a successful 50K in the heat...

Breakfast: Protein oats which is a mix of banana, GF oats, NOW pea protein and coconut flour. Followed by 2 cups of coffee.

Pre Race: I brought a big water bottle with for the drive and sipped on the way. Then about 40 minutes prior to race start I started drinking my UCAN. My new favorite is cinnamon mixed with a little vanilla protein. My mix for 50K was 1 packet cinnamon starch and 1/4 scoop vanilla protein

Race: Soon the race was off...it was 60s to start and warmed up quick! I carried a handheld of UCAN Berry Hydrate and had a 2nd ready for the 3rd and 4th loops. During loop 3 I ate a Cinnamon UCAN Bar. This was so much better than figuring out how to carry and mix the powder on course. I drank water at the stops and sipped my UCAN Hydrate in between.

By loop 4 it was Hot!! I needed something cold so I grabbed some orange slices

And finally I was done! ~350 calories to fuel a 50K (3002 calories) and I felt great! No GI issues, just warm but it was 8 degrees.

Post Race: I was so happy to see vegan GF options and grabbed some chips and rice and beans. 

Dinner: Later Matt and I headed out for our anniversary dinner I had a great quinoa veggie bowl with spicy edamame and this wonderfully unhealthy GF shortbread caramel pecan bar

How do you fuel to run? What is your favorite post race treat? Full race recap coming...

Linking up for What I Ate Wednesday
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  1. A 50K?! That's amazing... I think I'd have eaten a whole pan of those bars!

  2. Congrats on finishing the 50k! It was MUCH warmer than I was expecting on the course (I almost wore long sleeves because I was cold at the start), and I was super impressed with all of the 50k'ers for having the physical and mental stamina to start another loop (and another and a fourth!). Way to go!


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