TC Red, White Boom Half

6 years ago when O was just over 5 months old we ran this for the first time, it was the first year they held the 4th of July race and we've gone back every year! I think the group is down to about 100 who have run every year. Once again we were up and read for an early start to the 4th! This year it was rough, after a long day of working outside we were exhausted and didn't sleep well.

As we headed down I drank my usual UCAN cinnamon and vanilla mixture about 30 min prior then stood in the long line for the bathrooms! It was s quite start since it is residential and so early, but we were off. A new course from previous years. I started out where I wanted to be but quickly realized I had nothing! I wanted to find a comfy spot and go back to sleep. My body was tired, my breathing tough and despite cooler temps I was warm.

My initial goal was 7:30 pace but after a few miles I decided to just aim for sub 8s. For some reason this race has always been tough for me, even the years I've been racing great I finish slower here. Soon my leg was sore  too so I took a few stops to stretch the glute and hammy. Then the 1 GF beer I drank Sunday night decided to mess with my belly and I had to wait in line for the bathroom around mile 8, ugh! Lesson learned!

Soon we were getting close to the finish and the mentally tough part, I hate bridges! The last 3/4 mile is on a bridge, with my stops I was running a faster pace than those around me and add to that the desire to get off the bridge, I was flying past others! I finished with a 6:40 pace for the end!! Had to get off the bridge!

Thanks to having a 2 month old Garmin, everything is a PR at least in Garmin world! For anyone stalking my "real" finish time is about 10 minutes slower thanks to the stops, but really who's counting that?! I ran a little further to finish 14 miles.

O and I hung out at the end of the bridge waiting for Matt to finish before she hit the Slip n Slide in the park, a little chilly for me but when it is 90 degrees like a typical 4th that would be amazing! Good thing I had extra clothes for myself that she was able to put on a dry (although big) shirt.
A jacket post race on the 4th!

How was your July 4th Holiday? Who else ran a race? If you are ever in Minneapolis on the 4th make sure to #RunTheBoom to start the day. I think I like the new course even better!


  1. So awesome! I really want to run this race, it sounds so fun and like a great way to kick off the 4th!

    ~ Lora @ Crazy Running Girl


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