First Trimester

A little late on this since the 1st trimester was over 1-2 weeks ago depending on who you listen to. I managed to survive the fatigue and nausea of being pregnant and am starting to have energy again, my running has even gotten better.

During my first trimester I...
-Managed to gain 2 pounds, which really surprised me since I felt like I was eating non-stop. Although I'm not so sure on how accurate this is since I rarely weigh myself and am basing this off a weight from a doctor's appointment in April.
-Ran a 1:47 Half Marathon in strong winds
-Ran a 3:52 Marathon and felt the best I have ever felt during and after a race
-Finished a Duathlon 2nd in my Age Group
-Discovered that I crave fruit, salads, blueberry muffins and rhubarb pie and that the smell/sight of meat makes me ill. Good thing I only rarely ate meat before becoming pregnant and haven't eaten red meat in about 15 years.
-Learned that I miss a nice glass of white wine on the deck and sushi.

The start of the Belly Pics (there will be a theme of post-run pics)...

11 weeks- Starting to see the belly

12 weeks- Continuing to grow


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