My 1st postpartum race: Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon

A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to get back to racing, even if it was just for fun. It was perfect timing, a half marathon to complete my 13 miles at 13 weeks. I was going into the race without a time goal and planned to have fun and run comfortably.

The weather was nearly perfect, 50s at the start with sun, but a pretty good wind on most of the course. Everyone decided to walk to the start with me, Matt was pushing Ophelia in the stroller, and my parents were behind us. As we were walking a man and woman were looking at Ophelia and me, the woman said to the man “Is that her baby? Is she running?” Kind of made me smile.

The race had wave starts and due to long port-a-potty lines I missed the 1st wave and ended up in Wave 2, the 2-2:15 group. It wasn’t too tough to get myself out of the group and get on a good pace. I was hoping to catch the 1:50 pace group, but then I remember that the 1st wave started 3 minutes before I did and that doing so probably wasn’t the best idea for easy running.

The course was great, I think I can say that this is one of my favorite half marathon courses. The course was mostly lakeside and through some neighborhoods and then finished with a mile on trails. It was a little hilly, but nothing too bad except the spots where I was running up hill and into the wind.

I debated posting my mile splits since I wasn’t truly running for a time, but they are all over the place and only show that I need to work on consistency. I decided I need I’d do it as a reminder to myself.

Mile 1-8:27
Mile 2-7:51 Uh, oh a little fast, didn’t I say I wasn’t racing?
Mile 3-8:11
Mile 4-8:42
Mile 5-8:31
Mile 6-8:56 Decided it was time to lose that jacket, which I just couldn’t do while running.
Mile 7-8:21
Mile 8-8:31
Mile 9-8:49
Mile 10-8:47
Mile 11-8:57 I’m losing the energy that I started with.
Mile 12-9:05
Mile 13-8:31 Last mile and the energy is coming back or maybe I just want to get to the food sooner.

1:52:50 8:37 pace

Not close to a PR, but better then the half at 5 months pregnant and I’m just happy to be back running. I went into the race just wanting to be back in the race atmosphere and told myself I wouldn’t worry about the time. It reminded me that I don’t need a jacket in this weather and how annoying running with one around your waist for 7 miles and that Clif Blox can be tough to chew when running, next race I'm trying something different. I’m fine with the time and just know that I need to work on speedwork more, okay I need to add it back to my schedule. I also need to figure out the best way to fuel for races while breastfeeding. My typical prerace meal and race fuel just didn’t seem to be enough. This afternoon I have an appetite like I just ran a full marathon!

After the race the next comment came, I walked up to Ophelia in the stroller and picked her up, Matt said something like “there’s mommy”. Two people were standing there and said “is that her baby?” “it is her baby and she just ran!”

Ophelia loved watching the race, she just gets so excited to watch people and look around, she even wore her little Nikes so she would fit in with the runners. On the walk back to the car she decided to start waving. Okay so it was just in mimicking when someone would wave at her, but it was so cute.


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