2011 Recap and looking forward

What a year: some good, some bad. Overall ran 3 marathons including a PR and a total of 2341 miles
  • Great vacations to Mexico, Boston, Wine Country and a girls' weekend in college friends
  • Running stronger and injury free
  • Loving my fun and spunky almost 2 year old, what a joy in my life
  • Made an important decision on school, what a stress lifted
  • Finally figured out my GI issues and wow I feel great most days!
  • Took a new postion as run coordinator at a local gym meaning my membership is now free
  • A nasty fall on the ice resulting in a broken arm, luckily this was my only running injury
  • A rough fall filled with illness and the deaths of my grandmother and Matt's aunt within 24 hours, the beginning of December was rough
2011 Goals-Continue to run injury free Yes, all except the fall last winter resulting in a broken arm
-Keep up with the strength training 2-3x week and XT 2x week, maybe even add in some yoga Working with trainer and doing strength 2-3x week, XT has been hit or miss, but much better at least 1x week biking
-More PRs and run 5Ks/10Ks and PR: I would love sub 3:30 marathon, 1:35 half, sub1:10 10 Mile, 42:00 10K, and sub 20:00 5K Marathon 3:30:32 (so close), Half 1:34:59, Only ran 1 10 mile (while sick) and a couple fun 5Ks
-Be a better mom and wife I think I'm doing better. Really trying to not get frustrated with O and understand the why of her behavior that is typical toddler.
-Decide on my thesis topic by Spring and have a plan for the remainder of my school Project on hold until fall '12 or '13
-Run an ultra (maybe) Nope
-More trail running and races Only ran 1 agian, but had a blast
-Start biking to work once the weather is nicer Nope
-Continue with weekly menu plannning and gluten free eating by adding more foods No longer GF completely now that I know the true issues, but aiming to eat healthy and avoid my trigger foods

2012 Goals
-sub 3:30 marathon (would love sub 3:20) PRs at other distances
-Add in yoga or pilates 1-2x week
-Do an tri again, meaning I need to start swimming
-Strength training 2-3x week and XT 2x week
-Run a 50K
-Graduate!! and pass boards
-Decide on the plan for my project (either start again in fall or wait another year)
-Spend more time with friends, make a point to see people monthly
-Bike to work in better weather
-Plan menus each week with more diversity and develop more recipes

Happy New Years, hope everyone has a safe night and a great 2012!


  1. That is some seriously awesome mileage! I'm loving the recaps, especially on those blogs (like yours!) that I began following well into 2011. :)

  2. You are speedy! I'm impressed you're aiming for a 50k and some tri's... here's to a great 2012!

  3. I must have missed the post- what did they determine was wrong with you?!

    Congrats on an awesome 2011 of racing!

  4. Thanks!

    Stephanie, it was basically lack of GI bacteria due to antibiotics along with some food intolerances. So simple to fix :)

  5. Glad for you!!! I know you struggled for awhile!


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