Summer Run Training & Nathan Giveaway

The heat is here and summer running is in full swing with temps of 90+ last week and humidity making the run tough. I am more of a summer runner than cold winter girl but this was rough! The only positive of cooler running is jacket pockets for my phone and UCAN bar! I've tried just about every belt out there and have complaints about them all! So I was excited to try the Nathan Hipster. I'm even more hapy to say that it stayed put, nice and low on my hips just like I have to wear my belts. Even on my hot, sweaty 12 miler this weekend no chafing at all.

Some wildlife sightings on my run... The turtles have been out like crazy lately. What wildlife have you seen lately?

I've also gotten back to "real" speedwork and it is actually fun! Thanks Nichole :) I'm excited to see how this training cycle goes. I'm finally running paces I haven't been able to hit in years. My leg is almost to full strength, still a little residual after racing that hilly 5K on Mother's Day but about 90% better.

This week will mean a change in training. the past few months I've had the luxury of late starts at work and O at school, not anymore. Summer break is on and she is home so no sneaking in a run while O is at school. I guess better planning will be needed on my part. She can bike with me on shorter runs but still limited with that. Moms of older kids, any tricks? I still have dance time for short runs and morning (which I prefer).

Now for the fun...I have the same Nathan pack (Hipster, SpeedShot Plus & LightBender) to give to one of you!

All opinions are my own, I was provided the Nathan gear.


  1. I bring water in the summer and then usually my cell phone, keys, and ipod shuffle!

  2. I always carry water and a hat with me.

  3. I saw baby (size of a silver dollar) turtles a few weeks ago on my run. They were so cute.

    On my runs I typically have my phone, Garmin, and water if it is a longer run.

  4. I carry keys, my phone, and fuel/water if I'm going longer than 9-10 miles. Plus, I wear headphone most of the time.

  5. music, garmin, handheld (love nathan!), roadID, and my dog ;)

  6. generally not much - keys and maybe water for super longs summer runs

  7. For long runs I have hydration and fuel options, but my waist belt can be so hot in the summer! I'd love to have a hand-held.

  8. I always bring water, my cell phone and keys

  9. I try to run light with a running belt and my phone. If I'm going on a longer or depending on location and weather, I carry hydration/gels (or other nutrition), personal identification and medical insurance/emergency contact info.

  10. I run with a phone, gels if it's a long run. If I'm doing a group run out of town, then I'll put my ID,debit card, & key in my FlipBelt. I also run with a handheld running bottle with Nuun.

  11. I usually bring a water bottle, Gatorade, and some sort of snack.

  12. I just bring my keys and phone if I'm not planning to be gone over an hour.

  13. I always bring my phone for music and my garmin watch.

  14. I like to bring my phone and water.
    Sadie B.

  15. I usually take my iPod and keys.

  16. I bring my phone and headphones! nothing more and nothing less!

  17. I try to bring as little as possible. Usually just my ipod and keys.

  18. I always have water and my phone

  19. I bring as little as possible for most runs - my phone and keys - except for longer runs, I'll bring water with me if I can't run by water fountains.

  20. Depends if i have the stroller or not :) if I'm running with the boy(s), then water, keys, phone. If I'm running solo, just phone and i leave water out for myself!

  21. Depends if i have the stroller or not :) if I'm running with the boy(s), then water, keys, phone. If I'm running solo, just phone and i leave water out for myself!

  22. I bring headphones and water.

  23. I usually bring a bottle of water and my phone with earbuds.

  24. I always bring my phone and house key! Hate running with my phone, but would rather not get stuck without it. :)

  25. I always bring my phone and house key! Hate running with my phone, but would rather not get stuck without it. :)

  26. My phone, ear plugs and water bottle

  27. I bring my babies in the stroller for a double impact run

  28. I bring my babies in the stroller for a double impact run

  29. I bring along some water and a whistle.

  30. Iced water and a quick snack as I will keep going longer than I should sometimes.

  31. I bring water & my phone with me!

  32. for longer runs, or if i am running a different route - i always have a phone and water
    (stacey h)


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