Trying to Relax

It is so hard for me, I have been training for marathons basically everyday since June of 2006 when and was running pretty consistently for awhile before that. I have run 6 marathons since this craziness started with Chicago in October of 2007, then PF Chang's Phoenix in January 0f 2007, Fargo in May of 2007 and a short 3 weeks later San Diego in June. Than came Twin Cities in October and Honolulu in December. Wow, I'm tired just thinking about it!

No wonder my body needs a rest, but mentally I am so used to running that I am having a difficult time with this. I am trying so hard to follow the Recovery Plan, but when I feel good it's hard to only run 3 miles. At least it is winter and that keeps me from wanting to get outside as much.


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