10 miles!

Today I ran 10 miles and it felt great! This is my longest run since the Honolulu Marathon on December 9th. I am now at the start of Week 3 of training for Grandma's Marathon and still running pain free. I am just happy to be back. The cross-training was nice, but I am a runner and need to run to keep my sanity. I am back up to over 30 mpw, which is pretty low for me, but I have been trying to be good and increase slow and take some days off from running.
Matt is training too, I know can you believe it? He ran a 5 mile long run yesterday and is now running about 20 mpw. He has been great about following the schedule, even getting up at 3:30am to run if needed. I think he may become a marathon addict yet, he's already talking about running Twin Cities in the fall.


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