Another Injury!

Just when tings have been getting better and Spring is finally here, well maybe. The pain is back in my right ankle and medial shin for the 3rd time in the past year. I sat out of a half last May due to this and was able to run Fargo 3 weeks later pain free. This time my ankle is feeling weird and wobbly along with the pain. I went to see a new doctor and he thinks the December diagnosis of a stress fracture was incorrect and this is the same issue again. His thought is a ligament or other soft tissue issue. I have had prior injury to this leg- fracture, stress fracture, ligament tears, and nerve entrapment resulting in surgery. The plan is to get an MRI tomorrow morning. After an official diagnosis I'll see a PT who works with runners to fix the underlying issue, hopefully.

Grandma's Marathon is exactly 3 months from today. I figure I still have plenty of time to deal with this injury at this point and rehab. I can get back into training with plenty of time left and make it to the start line healthy. Oh, and the doctor didn't say I couldn't run, take it easy and no races right now. I did take today off for cross training instead.


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