TC 1 Mile

Matt and I signed up for this race before my injury and figured why not still run. It is held in downtown along Nicollet Mall. We warmed up for about 1.5 miles of slow running trying to stay warm. It was cold last night upper 40s and cloudy, perfect for marathons, but not speed. My last timed mile was 6:03 during training last August, so in ideal conditions, I was hoping for a sub 6, but with injury I wasn't pushing.
Matt's wave went first and I was 10 minutes later. The final times aren't up and I forgot to start my watch, but I was about 7:00 I guess not bad for being injured and only back for 2 weeks. Matt was about 6:50, he beat me by about 10 sec, so I will never hear the end of it!
My lungs were not very happy at the end and I am still wheezy from the cold air last night. To redeem myself I am already planning the next 1 mile race against Matt...July 22nd in St.Paul for Grandma's Minnesota Mile.


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