Minneapolis Bike Tour

Okay so this is a little late, but things have been crazy. Last weekend started out with a long run for both Matt and I, 20 miles at the Bear Water Run for him and 23 miles with my team for me, so this will be more of a food report then anything else.

We decided it would be a fun thing to do since we have started biking more, the course was 37 (ended up being 38.5 miles). I guess it was the weekend of bonus miles. We did it as a family event, my parents rode the 14 mile route and Matt's dad rode the longer route. The weather was perfect, maybe even a little cold for me at the start, but quickly got nice.

We started a little around 7:45 with a lot of other people so had a difficult time getting any speed for the first few miles due to crowds and a big hill right away. Then the first stop came at about mile 6. Bruegger's Pumpkin bagels, yum. We ate and headed out past the lakes.

Now we come to stop 2 at Nokomis with granola bars, fruit, and potato chips, okay so not as good as the first, but there are still two more food stops. Now the ride takes up along the river and my least favorite part of TCM. We are now in downtown, but not before riding under the new 35W bridge, kind of strange, everyone slowed down. There was some rough terrain before crossing the stone arch bridge and a guy crashed right in front of me, luckily a medic happened to be there.

We now hit the 3rd stop and I have discovered a new favorite, premade graham cracker a peanut butter sandwhiches. I think they had animal crackers too. We now comae to a part of the course riding along the shoulder of a road with cars, so we once again lost speed. At about mile 30 we passed a cop who informed up there was beer at the next stop. A few miles later we hit the next stop only to find out there wasn't any beer, but there was Salted Nut Rolls and Oatmeal cookies.

A few miles to go and we reach the end just in time to finish before the rain hits. More food and coffee at the end, this time a comination of all the stops. I really never figured out why one person needed so much food for this distance of a ride, but the day after a long run, it was perfect.


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