21 Weeks and big news!

Yesterday I hit 21 weeks and had the big ultrasound. We were hoping for a cooperative baby so we could find out the gender, but soon found out our little one had crossed legs and arms over the face. The tech told us these were both very girl behavior so it was likely a girl. We finally got the view we needed and sure enough...It is a Girl! And she's a flexible little thing, in there with her toes up on her forehead.

I am so excited to finally know and now I can admit that I was secretly hoping for a girl. Now we can finish planning for her room and I can do some more shopping and stop focusing on yellow and green. Looks like Matt will be going to at least 1 dance recital in the next few years. I figure since she can't start out as a marathon runner, why not have her follow in my footsteps and be a dancer when she's young. I know these are only mom's plans and she may have plans all of her own, let's just hope those plans don't involve soccer since I'm not sure I could sit through too many of those games.

A couple 21 week belly pics...it's growing!


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