Women Run the Cities 10 Mile

At the last minute I decided to register for a women’s only 10 mile race last weekend since it fit into my training schedule and I haven’t raced a 10 mile in a few years. I went to packet pick after an easy run with my team on Saturday morning to find out that once again women’s shirts means v-necks. Seriously, am I the only woman who hates these?!

Race morning to avoid the parking crowds we took the train to the race, this worked great, no hassle with parking and with the stroller I was able to bundle up before hand and leave Matt with my extra clothes. I wasn’t sure how this day would go since I was fighting a cold that was making it hard to breath.

In all the race information it said they would have pacers, so I headed to the start and pushed my way up towards the front to find the 1:15 pacer, but no such luck the fastest pacer I saw was 1:25 so I was on my own.

The race started and I had the lead runner in my sight, probably meaning I was going a little too fast. This was confirmed when I hit Mile 1 and the clock said 6:40, okay time to slow down. I settled into a comfortable pace and just ran for myself. I soon realized the mile markers were off, I hit the 5 mile mark and my Garmin said 4.6. This discrepancy kept up a few more miles until the markers got a little closer. I was keeping up a good pace around 7:00/mile and feeling good. Around Mile 7 I slowed and walked through the water stop in an attempt to clear all the junk out that had been settling in my throat and lungs and was passed by the girl who then became my target. She got a good distance ahead of me, but I just keep aiming for her and the gap was closing. This race also had a 5K which started 30 min after the 10 mile and was open to runners/walkers/strollers/kids. The 5K followed the same course and was an out and back so around Mile 8.5 I caught up with some of the 5K walkers, this continued for the remainder of the course making it tougher to keep my eye on my target. I have no problem with people walking in races but there needed to be a better course set up to avoid getting caught up with them or just more common sense on the parts of some people to not crowd the course with their strollers and children while talking on the phone. I cross the finish line right behind my target and not realizing it I think she was my direct competition because I was 1 second behind the woman who placed in front of me in my age group.

I finished in 1:10:36 (7:04 pace) and a 9 minute PR. I think the course was short by maybe ¼ mile so a true 10 mile finish of closer to 1:13. 3rd place AG finish (behind two other women with the same first name) and 18th overall. Now I’m just hoping this great running and PR streak keeps un for Sunday at TCM.

Watching the runners and waiting for mommy to finish.


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