Vegas Adventure: The Sequel

Last year's trip to RnR Vegas resulted in an overnight delay in LA and cold, rainy weather, so I was hoping for a smooth trip this year. That wasn't the case! Starting Friday afternoon we got hit by a big snowstorm resulting in about 8" and leaving nasty roads. By the time we de-iced twice and finally took off we were over 3 hours behind schedule meaning that once we got to the hotel in Vegas we'd been awake for 24 hours, not fun!

The rest of the trip ended up smooth and with wonderful running weather. Saturday we took full advantage of the great Indian buffet that we'd found last year and then met some friends for drinks. That evening was the group pasta party with wonderful gluten free food, they even had angel food cake. Luckily for me I wasn't running for time since I started Sunday morning with a soy latte, banana, yogurt and GF granola, very different from my typical pre-race food. Race day was perfect, started in the 40s with highs of the low 60s and sunny. All my runners finished and felt great, many even ran PRs. I love the atmosphere of big races when not racing, 29,000 is a little too big for me I hate running elbow to elbow.

Team Minnesota

The weekend continued to be great, Sunday night staff/coach party in a penthouse suite complete with food and drinks followed by sushi with Matt. After a long coach certification on Monday we actually made it home without any issues, even landed early!

Walk coach Kathy and I

Ophelia enjoyed her weekend with my parents and I'm really happy we decided not to bring her. I think I would have run over a few people along the Vegas strip with my stroller. Walking alone was difficult enough with all the people stopping and just being dumb that I couldn't imagine doing it with a stroller.


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