A much needed reassessment

Everything in life is temporary.

Why does it always seem that when everything is finally falling into place that something snaps and it just doesn't seem to be working anymore? I keep reminding myself that I just ran a marathon, had been injured and ill recently and haven't eaten the greatest resulting in a little extra weight. I have decided I need to take a look at what I am doing and what should be changed to improve not only my training but also my overall mood, stress and energy level. I feel like my body is regressing back to where I was a year ago and I don't like it! As any good health provider I decided to do a full assessment and plan...

Food/Weight: I have a bad habit of mindless eating and consuming a lot of carbs. To fully look at this I started tracking everything earlier this week and see thins trend. Tracking is helping me to focus on if I am truly hungry when I eat and to see what I already knew that I need more protein and should cut some carbs.
My goals:
  • Continue tracking
  • Plan weekly meals and stick with the plan
  • Don't eat when I am just bored! 
  • Cut out dairy again (doing pretty good)

Stress/Fatigue: The new job is mentally exhausting resulting in extra caffeine, lack of sleep and headaches. I am spending too much time sitting in my office at my computer and in my car.
My goals:
  • Walk at work when I am getting tired (there is a 1/2 mile loop)
  • No more afternoon coffee!

Workouts: All of the above is resulting in lack of energy to workout out and even though I am pushing myself to get out for something easy it ends up being slow and tough. Maybe I cam back too quickly after an injury, maybe I need more sleep as less morning workouts, maybe I need a complete rest. Who knows! My plan is to focus right now on enjoying running again and the last long run for Med City this weekend and then another taper. I am back to racing with my team which is always a highlight of the year.
My goals for the week:
  • Pilates or yoga 1-2x
  • Continue my current running/cycling/weights
  • Find out about joining the gym at work (easy way to get in short strength workouts during the day)
  • Morning workouts 3x week with doubles 2x week


I tried making other general life goals, but I think in the big picture feeling better and less stressed will help with this. I haven't been spending a lot of quality time with my daughter and husband lately instead sleeping or just lacking energy so hopefully feeling better will improve this as well. I think the better weather will help it all! I promise my posts will get more positive, just a rough patch in life. Head over to Fitness Friday.


  1. Good for you for acknowledging you want to make changes, and writing out your goals. I definitely go through phases where I'm eating mindlessly and a little tracking is helpful to keep me accountable. Hope you find your motivation soon, you definitely jumped back in quickly after Boston, so try to take it easy on yourself when you can!

    1. It really does help to make it known, this will hold me accountable for my goals. Tracking makes me think before I eat, I mean do I really want to know how many calories are in 4 cups of cereal?!

  2. Writing it down always helps me keep everything in order. You will be back on track in no time:)

    1. I now have a way to remember and stick with it.

  3. I know how you feel when you get off track with your physical self. We beat ourselves up so hard when it happens. Right now I am off my schedule of working out and life seems to have gotten in the way of keeping me on track. Just remember we have to start slow and not jump full speed ahead or we could end up with injuries. You will be back on course soon and feeling better about yourself and so will I.

    1. It is good to know I am not alone in being off track, goos luck to you as well, we will be back on track soon :)

  4. As a runner, we always want to do more, go faster etc. It's good to take a step back and reassess your goals from time to time! It looks like you have a firm handle on where your problem areas lie and are doing what's necessary to fix them...with a goal and a plan! Just don't be too hard on yourself! It's all about ebbs and flows!

    1. So true, life is full of ups and down in all aspects and we need to learn from these and gain experience to improve.

  5. We all go through a rough patch every now and then. WTG assessing everything and coming up with a plan!

    1. Thanks, I really think a plan and goals will help me stick with the changes.


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