Why do weekends go by so fast?

We all had to ice our legs together while enjoying coffee outside!

Saturday started out as usual with a group run, I was a little nervous heading to the gym that morning not knowing what the leg would give me. I guess part of me wanted to deny that there could be a problem. Luckily I ran and it was good, almost 12 hilly  miles pain free and speedier (8:20 pace) then I had planned thanks to conversations that kept me distracted. I made sure head home and ice and not run again Sunday to avoid a repeat of last week. Now I am leaning towards sticking with the full marathon on Sunday and hoping the extra rest and icing is all I need.

The rest of the day flew by to the point that I don't even remember what I did. O got a quick swim with daddy in the new pool and then it was dinner out with my parents, the whole afternoon was a blur!

Sunday marked our first gymnastics show for monkey girl! Great timing after her failed attempts to climb chairs and do monkey flips off the deck table on Friday resulted in a nice head bruise. Last Summer to burn some energy we started her in a toddler gymnastics class that I got a great deal on and then in the Fall transferred her to a well known school only a couple miles from home. She loves it, looks forward to every Thursday morning and her 45 minute gymnastics class with "teacher Beth". After just 9 months at this school she is ready to pass to the next level, meeting all criteria except the one beyond her control, she can't move up until she is 3. 

She did great on Sunday, but unfortunately things were so crowded that there is a lack of decent pictures, boo!

After a great nap while I did my typical Sunday afternoon grocery shopping we took advantage of the sun and went for a bike ride. 19 miles in the wind was tough! This is my longest outdoor ride in probably 1 1/2 years.

Sunday ended with the decision to book our Winter vacation, I can't believe I am already looking ahead to January when we haven't even hit Summer yet. Thank you Delta for sending an email with great vacation offers and a boring day at work earlier in the week to get me thinking (and looking). We are all set for a week in Costa Rica in 7 months, I can't wait. This will be the first time we have returned to a destination, but when Matt and I were there 6 years ago we loved it and keep talking about going back. O will have a blast on the beach and seeing all the monkeys hanging out in the nearby trees.

And now we are back to the busy work week and more thoughts of all that didn't get done, ugh! Why can't we have more weekends?


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