This Woman didn't Rock the Women Rock Half

As you can tell from the title the race didn't go as planned. I've had issues finding a good shoe to replace my Kayanos that were changed and no longer work for me, this combined with a hamstring issue from last weekend didn't result in the race I'd hoped.

It began well, weather was great and I got to the start with plenty of time to spare. I met up with a friend and relaxed before hitting the start corrals to find out they were starting late. We finally heard "go" and we were off. I had hoped to run with the 1:35 pacer, but there wasn't one despite it being listed on the website. Instead I stuck with the 3:20 pacer who was ahead of pace. But knew immediately things weren't good when 1 mile in I had this strange low back pain. I kept pushing through thinking it might be related to wearing a new brand of shoes with < 10 miles on them.

Still smiling at Mile 6
The course began as 3 miles out and then back to the start before heading in the other direction for the remaining miles. I was loving the first part; shady, cool and small hills. I saw my friend Sarah on her way out in front of the 2:20 pacer and ahead of her goal, great job! Mile 6 we were back to the start and there were Matt and O, I always love hearing "go mommy" can't help but smile and feel great. Then it all went downhill (literally the course went uphill!)
Finally the champagne (1 sip and it was dumped- yuck warm and flat!)
I had forgotten all about last weekend when I tripped on a raised part of the path 17 miles into a 21 mile run and landed wrong on my left leg. As I kept trying to figure out why my left hamstring and glute were getting painful I kept blaming it on the shoes until Matt reminded me of last weekend. Thinking back I felt fine after taking a couple days off running, but speedwork aggravated it, sure enough the equivalent of 13.1 miles of speedwork was not making it happy today. This was more then just a tight leg, it was worse. I even considered walking to end but kept moving froward as the last 3 miles got tougher and I was slowly passed by more runners. But I did it I finished and after making Matt stretch my leg then went back and ran in with Sarah like I promised. She managed a nearly 15 minute PR in 2:23 and my friend gacgirl finished her 1st 10K. Me I finished in who knows official time says 1:39:03 but the clock said 1:38 something when I crossed and my watch 1:37:40 so not truly sure. Either way it was not the PR I had wanted but it was a fun and tough race.

Cheers Mommy
On a positive note: No GI issues! The Perpetuem once again saved the day. Now to get this leg better so I can race strong again.


  1. Wow. Even injured you are fabulously fast. I am so sorry the race didn't go as planned that can be so discouraging!

    1. Thanks Abby :) I think I am most disappointed since I had such high hopes.

  2. NIce solid run all things being considered. Yuck to warm and flat champagne!

    1. The champagne was awful, I never thought I would be one to dump out wine!

  3. I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted, but that is still a solid race! Especially with hills and hamstring issues... awesome job! Enjoy Labor day off today. :)

    1. Thanks, always tough when you don't race the way you had hoped.

  4. Maybe not a PR, but an awesome finish none the less! Congrats to your friends' PR and first!

    1. They both did great and I am so happy that they have both gotten to love running :)

  5. My gosh you're fast! Well done on getting through - I hope you get that leg sorted out.

    1. Thanks, leg is still not wonderful but trying to be smart.

  6. Sorry it didn't go as you'd hoped. Warm champagne sounds awful!

    1. I think the warm champagne was the worst part! A nice cold glass would have been great :) Instead I had my own wine at home.


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