10 Running Questions

After reading so many others post their answers I decided to take part myself, so here are mine.

10 things about me: The running version

1. Best Run Ever: I honestly don't know that I can decide on just one. There are many for various reasons. Last Saturday's 22.5 miler reaffirmed to me mentally that I could run well, I finished feeling the best I have in quite awhile. Other runs refresh my head and are just such great stress relief or are wonderful times to be social and run with friends and yet others prove my physical strength.

2. Three words that describe my running: Energizing, stress-relieving, me time

3. My go-to running outfit: Nike Tempo shorts and Adidas long tank in summer, UnderArmour tights and long shirt with jacket in winter. And on long runs I always have my compression socks or calf sleeves. I always wear a hat.

4. Quirky habit while running: This is a tough one, I'm sure I have some, but it is hard to come up with. I have to lace my shoes a certain way no matter what and roll or push down the top of my shorts/pants (I hate anything on my waist). Maybe the strangest thing is I won't run past geese! They scare me after one flew at me many years ago.

5. Morning, midday, evening: MORNING!!!!I love starting out not realizing I am even awake yet. It is such a great feeling being out in the peaceful world and knowing that I will have this done and not worrying about where to fit in a run later in my hectic day.

6. I won't run outside when it's: Lightning or icy (after falling in 2011 and breaking my arm while running on ice I am done with that!). Otherwise I am out, Below 0, snow, rain, wind, even ran during a tornado warning before (unaware at the time!).

7. Worst injury--and how I got over it: I finished my 2nd marathon with 2 stress fractures in my foot. It was no wonder I hurt so bad the final 10K, but stubborn me kept going resulting in a stop at the medical tent and visit to urgent care. It took me nearly 6 months before I was back fully running again. I focused on other activities and tried to enjoy running when I was able to get back. I learned to listen (a little) to my body.

8. I felt most like a badass Mother Runner when: I finished my first post-partum marathon when O was 8 months old. It was my third TCM and I finally ran my BQ time and a 13 minute PR!

9. Next race is: Mud Factor 5K (just for fun) and a Women only 10 Mile the following day, but my big one is Twin Cities Marathon in about 2 weeks.

10. Potential running goal for 2013: Triathlon training will be my focus with the goal of a sprint and Olympic Tri. I also plan to Run 13 half marathons in 2013, who wants to join me? I have a challenge in the works :)

Tough questions to answer, but fun to see. How do you answer these?


  1. I like these posts from people! Indeed very fun to read.

    Why do you always wear hat when you run?

    I agree with you about geese. They are very agressive and would attack you when you run/bike by them. Happened to me a lot of times.

    Triathlon(s) next year will be fun. They are fun, but way too looooooong.

    There is a difference between RUNNING and RACING 13 HM:) What exactly will you be doing?:)

    1. On the hat: I have yet to find a pair of sunglasses I can tolerate while running and the sun always bothers my eyes so tend to always wear one. Now with short hair I wear it even when not sunny.

      I plan to race some halfs and run others as training (this is going to include my marathon too 2x of course). Just thought of it as a fun way to focus on something different :)

    2. Interesting about the hat and sunglasses, my mom can't stand sunglasses neither. Aren't you too warm wearing hat? Visor sounds like a better choice. Although I have no idea:) I wore a visor only once and a hat never.

    3. I do have a visor but rarely wear it, no idea why! I don't get too hot, most of the hats I have are pretty thin and breath great and just avoid the black hat in the heat :)

  2. I love reading these:) How's the studying going? I just got past the fitness assessment section. So many muscles to learn. Ugh!

    1. What studying :O I haven't opened the book in about a month :( need to get working on that!

  3. Fun reading, thanks! All these women who love running in the morning - I am getting inspired to get up and at least give it a try. :) It sure would make life easier to fit it in then.

    1. I haven't always been a morning runner, I gradually got there and now it is a habit.

  4. Love it! I'm so glad you did this. Note to self - no geese.

  5. Awesome! Loved learning more about you! And running during a tornado warning??? Yikes!

    1. I was wondering why things were looking so strange outside while I ran, good thing I decided to head home before the downpours!

  6. Great post! Awesome job on those long runs; I'll get past 13.1 soon ;)

  7. your next couple of races sound awesome!

    1. I think it is fun to do some different races too, the mud run will be different and a good change :)


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