September 3rd Weekly Goals

weekly chase, goals, setting goals
Weekly Chase
How did I finish off August and begin September...It has been a crazy week and I still feel behind!

Goal #1 Half Marathon on Saturday, finish feeling like I pushed with all I had and hopefully a PR My time goals: A) 1:37 B) 1:35 C) 1:30 Nope, a hamstring issue kept me from the race I hoped

Goal #2 Find a new pair of running shoes. I've worn the same shoes for years and the new model is awful! Maybe, kind of like the Brooks but need to re-evaluate once the leg is better

Goal #3 Make weekly to do lists starting today and plan school, work, workouts and family time.Pretty good, still a few thing left to do.

Goal #4 Workouts

  • Mon: PM: Strength, ? Swim Nope, some abs and a walk instead
  • Tues: AM: Spin Class PM: Run Yes
  • Wed: AM: Speed Run PM: Strength Yes 
  • Thurs: AM: Spin Class PM: Run Boot Camp in am and pm Run
  • Fri: AM: Run PM: Bike or Swim Yes
  • Sat: AM: Half Marathon PM: Strength Yes
  • Sun: AM: Run or Bike Actually both

  • Goal #5 Clean our office at home. Nope, started on the bedroom and family room instead

    My goals for this week. Hoping that as complete craziness starts I can keep up on life. This week we begin dance, gymnastics, my teaching semester starts and Matt and I are both 3 weeks into our own grad courses while still marathon training.

    Goal #1 Food: Plan meals and start making ahead again. Make some snack bars and have plenty of veggies/fruits.
    • Mon: Chipotle Mac n Cheese and homemade onion rings and veggies
    • Tues: Quick grab before running, usually sandwich
    • Wed: Chickpea and veggie curry
    • Thurs: Black Bean Burgers with tomato and spinach and sweet potato fries 
    • Fri: ??
    Goal #2 Life: Back to cleaning one room per week and clean the office so I can sell some books on amazon. Take a few minutes today to write up my weekly To Do list.

    Goal #3 Workouts:

  • Mon: AM: Run PM: Easy Bike ? Strength
  • Tues: AM: Boot Camp PM: Run
  • Wed: AM: Speed Run PM: Strength  
  • Thurs: AM: Boot Camp PM: Run
  • Fri: AM: Bike
  • Sat: AM: Run PM: Strength
  • Sun: AM: Long Run 

  • Hope everyone enjoyed the extra day this weekend. What are your goals for this week? 


    1. Good luck! You seem super motivated though - I can;t imagine you having much of a problem getting it done ;-)

      1. I guess I can fool people! No I am pretty motivated if it is something I am passionate about :)

    2. Hope your hamstring is feeling better!

    3. Seeing your list makes me realize I need to get organized and set me some goals!

      1. Goals always help me to prioritize a focus. And writing them down lets me not forget :)

    4. You're doing awesome with all those days of strength in there! I love the idea of cleaning one room at a time... I should try that!!

      1. Thanks! It always seems easier to accomplish if I focus on smaller parts.


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