Changing my focus & BAMR Band giveaway

Guess what I’m still here, 3 days in a row! Starting to get back to “real” running now that the leg is better. Still following with my sports chiro monthly and focusing on strength with lower mileage. I am happy to be back into some speed work and looking a forward to working with a new coach (other than myself!) and improving my running. I decided that I need a change, I written my own plans for years but think after my year of injury I need to change things up a bit. I should be stronger and faster now with all the strength and core training but I’m not thanks to injury. I know with a change in training and injury free I can get to where I want to be.

Thursday morning I grabbed my cute new BAMR band and hit the treadmill nice and early for some intervals. Tracy has me running less miles but high intensity and I’m loving it! So how’d it go: After an easy 10 min warm up my ¼ mile repeats were:
1:30 (Had to try with the treadmill set at top speed!)
The benefit of the treadmill is consistency! I’m never this close on the track.

Ready to run!
I felt great, legs got some speed and I was ready for the day. Loved the headband, I have such an issue with other ones staying in place but this was great, didn’t move, no headache. The downside, I think I may be losing it to my child! O loves the BAMR band too, she actually wore it before I even had the chance. The designs available are great, I was thrilled to receive 2 Disney themed bands with my upcoming Dopey Challenge they will be perfect. Headbands get a lot of use in the winter around here since I’m normally a hat runner but with indoor spin, treadmill runs, elliptical and yoga these will be great.

Guess what I BAMR Bands is giving away a headband of your choice to one of my readers!


  1. I love to do mile repeats on the TM - not halfs. Why? Who knows?! I am training for Houston Marathon in January. I figured it was a good way to stay in shape over the holidays. I have never done a winter marathon before. Only halfs! We'll see how it goes!

    1. My first marathon was a winter race and you're right really need to staying training over the holidays, I love the motivation it brings :)

    2. I'm running in Houston, too - it will be my first marathon! Been training in the summer heat, so we will see how it transitions to a winter race - hope to see you there :)

  2. Love my longs. Pain is always a good thing!!

  3. My favorite running workout right now is Yasso 800s -- I have a love/hate relationship with them though. I hate it while I'm doing it, but love the way I feel after!

  4. I don't really have a favorite, but I am going to try and keep at it through the winter to make the 14 in 14 challenge! My next race is going to be a Christmas run the Saturday before. =)

  5. I like long runs. It's nice to zone out and think about whatever comes to mind without worrying about pace.

  6. My next race is the Macau Marathon in Macau, China. Only 7 days left until I leave for China for my 2 week run-cation. I'm so excited!

  7. Great idea to work with a coach! It's always nice to have an outside perspective... I've considered that myself. Enjoy the weekend!

  8. My next race is tomorrow! It is also my first race!

  9. I'm on a running break for a bit trying to finally ditch my foot injury. It's only been 5 days and I'm going nuts!

  10. I'm still on an injury break, but I'm in the recovery phase.. It's a slow thing, but hopefully in a few weeks the PT will give me the go ahead to start adding running again! Because I hope to have a lot of race plans for 2014:) thanks for hosting the giveaway!!!

  11. My next race is in December to support a local charity.

  12. My favorite running workouts are long runs. I love the time that I get to spend with myself just cruisin' along, without paying too much attention to pace.

  13. man....I wish I had the brain space to do intervals or anything on a TM. It just kills me mentally.... good for you!

  14. Great workout! I love repeats on the track. I'm looking forward to getting back to them!

  15. Ran a 10k this morning in the pouring rain and with a lingering case of plantar fasciitis! Popped fibers in my fascia this summer during my first half marathon so slowly making a comeback! Glad I found you on Facebook!

  16. I like to do Fartleks while training. Speed workout without a set time/ it!

  17. Ran a 5K today and it was my first time running the entire race and under a 12 minute mile! I am signed up for my first half next April and hoping to keep up my training all winter either indoors or outdoors!

  18. i really like doing tempo runs! i'm running a 5k race over thanksgiving weekend that i've done every year for the past few years... it will be interesting to see how my pace is because ive been doing longer distance races and havent done a 5k in a LONG time

  19. I just finished my first half marathon and I'm already planning for my next one! Writing up a 2014 race bucket list!! :)

  20. I don't do many races, would love to do more, but they are expensive. My next race will be the Wisconsin Marathon in May.

  21. I just finished my first marathon yesterday, and am already looking forward to my next. Hopefully I'll be wearing a BAMR band :p I love that they donate to charity with every purchase you make!

  22. Still freaking out about Dopey! :) 50 days and counting! Lots of personal hurdles to overcome first though :)

  23. Halfs are my favorite distance. My next race is the Spacecoast Half on Dec 1.

  24. Running my 3rd half in 2 1/2 weeks after returning from injury....exited, yet nervous at the same time. Haven't run a race since my injury back in April.

  25. Have taken a break from distance running since July, but hoping 2014 will be a comeback year. Ran Goofy in 2013 and it was sooo awesome!


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