Day 2...A New Injury

Last Monday I thought I had irritated my SI joint which happens too frequently, but I soon found out I was wrong. I quit part way through my Sunday run as my low back and hip were so tight and achy and decided that was it...1 week off running.

Monday I headed to the sports chiro and it looks like the whole things stems from a super tight glute medius and low back. So here I was undergoing 1 hour of Graston, the pain of someone pushing their body weight into my butt followed by acupuncture. Sounds like a fun Monday, right?! The good news, the hamstring is nothing and is all radiating from the glute, yay! but the bad news is my self imposed 1 week running break in hopes it is all I need to run a strong 2014.

Wish me luck! I never thought I'd be running towards nontraditional therapies with all my issues. Instead of racking up the miles this week, I will hit the pool (yes it is out to the world, so hold me to it!), bike and elliptical. Also in the plans is 3 strength sessions, daily core work, pilates and yoga.

What's your trick for surviving a run break? Besides baking cookies!


  1. Sorry you're injured Jen! I know the feeling all too well. I've been seeing my sports chiro for about a month now. Thankfully my knee and hip are feeling better and I've gotten to run some. No running....equals depressed and unhappy Mindy!

    1. Same here Mindy! Trying to look at the big picture and be smart.

  2. So frustrating to be injured and not able to do what you want. I had a spinal compression fracture this spring and was unable to do anything. About all I did was bake (and eat!) lol. Good luck!

  3. I'm on week 4, so I hear ya!! I feel 100% now but I'm waiting one more week just to be sure this is behind me for good. I've done a lot of cross training, but also a lot more rest than usual and my body has loved it- think of the rest from running as making you stronger!

    1. Extra rest is good, I tend to forget that! I've cut way back and added in more rest days the past month until marathon training starts in a few weeks.

  4. An injury? That’s really bad news. It’s a great move that you immediately went to a chiropractor to have it checked. At least, proper therapy and treatment have been applied. How are you feeling by the way? This incident may have set you back from your practice, but I hope you’re doing great and fully recovered by now.

    Penelop @ US Health Works, Seattle Denny Center


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