Dealing with injury: Ouch Wraps giveaway

Pre and post workout routine!
This only seems fitting after yesterday's post on my latest injury that came out of no where! Over the past year I have dealt with a right hamstring injury that finally resolved but now my right glute/hip is mad! I'm hoping because it came on quick and big that is goes away just the same! In the mean time I'm spending lots of quality time with my pals: foam roller, therapy ball and ice pack!

In the midst of dealing with the left leg junk I was contacted by Ashley to try Ouch Wraps they are premade, reusable hot or cold packs that you either throw in the freezer or microwave and done. They are great size and easy to use everywhere and even better easy to wrap on and stay put! I've used mine as ice for the legs and heat for my shoulder and back.

I loved my Ouch Wrap and so did O thanks to the cute design, many others available online. Now you can try one too with the discount code: MARATHON! Or better yet, enter to win your own Ouch Wrap- Wrecked Wrap!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love this idea! I usually try to foam roll as much as I can to feel better. I also try to rest up! In the past I've injured myself due to doing too much too soon. Let's hope we're all injury free during the holidays!

  2. I pout. I wish I could say I do something like cross training but nope I pout.

  3. Foam roller, my new pressure point massager, and cross-training! And lots of tears, as well. Get well, soon!

  4. I use frozen peas as my ice, haha. Legs propped up on a chair with a bag of peas under my hammies or on my knees. I always make sure to have a hot cup of coffee or tea to keep me from freezing, haha. These wraps seem like a much better option!

  5. I don't deal well with injury, but patience is key!

  6. Rock Tape, foam roll, & Active Release Therapy with my chiropractor.

  7. I don't have any tips because I have never had a running related injury (knock on wood!) I did have a back injury this last spring though and dealing with that has been ROUGH!

  8. I don't deal with injuries very well, i run through minor ones even when I know I shouldn't - and I'm a personal training by profession!! But I'll ice a lot - you should see the system I rig up with a ice pack and a scarf to make it stay on mold to my heel!

  9. Im so slow I havent had an injury, (yet). But, seriously, I love to foam roll, and I have used frozen cauliflower, and ice packs in the packs on sore stiff spots. .

  10. I usually do the R.I.C.E. method. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. :D

  11. I'm also on the RICE works!

  12. I have never heard of these wraps! Unfortunately they can't help with my bronchitis..but maybe my knee!

  13. That's the $1000 question! My best tip from my all to recent experience is to stay as active as possible. Whatever you can do to keep moving. Do it!

    Wishing you a quick recovery and back to running soon Jen!

  14. I haven't gotten hurt yet but I take all the tips I can read on here. :)


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