Starting over

Ready to keep it real and share many of my thoughts over the past year, so be warned...

Not sure if I can say I've been stupid or stubborn or probably a combination of the two over the past 2 years but I am now regretting this. Over this past winter I started to dread my runs and was feeling forced into it. Why do something you don't love? I was frustrated and let my healthy eating slide a bit, slept in a skipped workouts, was too tired after work to get out or would just do another easy workout. I backed away from pushing myself, I was tired of falling short. Somehow through this all I never did the one thing that would have benefited me and made the most sense until it was forced upon me. Why did I not listen a quit running when this started? Especially when I was losing sight of what I enjoyed. Why? Because I think I need to prove to myself that I am tough, I am strong, and I can do anything! 
My muddy run last week, so fun!

Last week I said enough! After being forced to take time off running and finally getting back slowly I figured out being smart and going against the easy part of just running through pain is being strong! But I feel like I am starting from square one! 

Over the past month I have learned a lot...
  • Running is tough, but so enjoyable! 
  • I love being outside, especially first thing early in the morning.
  • I need more variety in my workouts: right now it is a lot of easy cardio.
  • I loved CrossFit and think this did more for my strength than the past year with my trainer, variety works for me!
  • Stop neglecting sleep and rest days!
  • I can do this! But I need to take it slow, listen and be okay with stopping.
  • It is okay to push out of my comfort zone.
  • No more taking the easy way out!

Nothing more peaceful than an early morning run
This week is a new start for me. I am listening and learning as I go, changing how I run and starting new workouts plus focusing a lot more on nutrition (again!).


  1. Just call it "evolution" as an athlete, realising you need to approach sport a different way and trying it out (sooner or later); I've just been reading Ben Greenfields "Beyond Training" book ; it has some really interesting, up to date research on athlete longevity, the importance of rest, how HIgh Intensity Interval Training can replace excessively long training with the same benefits etc...anyway, i've found the most relevant parts for me (not that I would call myself a serious athlete at the moment but the intention is there for in a few years :) ) is that as I get older rest and appropriate recovery are almost more important than the training itself...i esoecially appreciated his information on training 80% of the time at an easy to moderate pace with some HIIT sessions (which themselves include good rest) thrown in....anyways, enjoy exploring your running and other sports!! Also, you are a busy busy woman, perhaps this has impacted somehow on your enjoyment?

    1. That book sounds interesting and it makes a lot of sense. I'm learning that is what my body needs too, more rest and more focus on nutrition to sustain my workouts. This rough winter weather was killer for my attitude about running combined with longer work days didn't make me excited about being inside working out, but summer is here and I love getting out there now.

  2. Neglecting easy and rest days is one of my biggest problems! Especially when training for full marathons, I have gotten burnt out in the past and seriously questioned why I was training if it feels more like a burden than a joy. That's a hard place to be in when you love running, yet the fun has been sucked out of it.

    Personally, having more focused/specific training days and taking breaks to play other sports (biking and rollerblading lately) have kept my passion for running fresh! Keeping perspective is so important, too; really running is something fun and shouldn't be an additional stress to add to life :)

    Love your early morning run picture. It looks like you live in a beautiful area! I'm a big fan of early morning runs, too - though I need some coffee by the time afternoon rolls around :)

    Amy @

    1. Amy I think we all get wrapped up in training and forget to rest, especially when we feel great. I need coffee every day, but actually feel more awake after an early workout :)

  3. Welcome back to a new running :)

    I don't love running right now but I know why. I'm working on it.

  4. I am so happy to hear you are back to running:) One thing I have learned as I am coming out of my own injury and getting back into it is, having gone though it has given me such a different perspective on things. I realizes how and why I love it so much, and I will be approaching running and my health in general so differently!
    Hope you continue to enjoy it, and I totally agree early morning runs are the best! That picture looks amazing, I wish I had somewhere like that here to run through in the morning:)


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