6 Already!

My baby is 6 today! Seriously where did the time go?

The past 6 years have been filled with joy and frustration as you develop into the strong, determined little girl you are becoming. You have your own agenda at times and aren't always the easiest kid but your strong willed, determined personality will make you a successful person. We love you!

This past year you have grown so much with starting kindergarten, learning so much that you can do, learning to be a student and friend and wanting to soak up knowledge everywhere. You are developing great friendships with so many people and are liked by so many. Your personality draws people in! 

Dance and gymnastics are a big part of your life! This year you started the first year of competition dance as one of two 5 year olds in a 6-7 year old group and are finding your place. You still love gymnastics (even more than dance I think) and continue to make great strides there. To my excitement we ran our first 5K together this year and soon you will be kicking my butt in these "sprints"!

We already fight over clothes! You will finally agree to wear jeans but would live in a dress if I let you, even while playing football with the boys! You love anything girly; pink, purple, glitter, jewelry! Are we sure you're my kid?! 

Happy Birthday! Love you to the moon and back!


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