Potentially good news

I went to yet another doctor (sports podiatrist) today and finally some potentially good news. He did say my orthotics that were custom made in April are completely wrong and he can't do anything with them, but the store orthotics I bought he likes. He added some support which he thinks will really help. I am trying out these changes and going back next week to see if anything else needs to change. He also thinks that if we get these right then I probably won't need to stop running after the fall marathons, just keep lower mileage for the winter. I also learned why I have been having such crappy runs, my work shoes offer no support making my ankle, hip, knee work hard all day that by the time I try to run they are already tired, duh! So next week I need to bring in my work shoes and see what we can do with insoles for those.
He did say that on my MRI from April, there is fluid around the tendon sheath, but not enough to need to remove at this point. We'll just watch this.


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