24 Weeks!

Things have all of a sudden gotten busy with school, working and life in general, but I am still around with a growing belly. I hit 24 weeks yesterday and my first thought was 16 more weeks to go, that's long enough to train for a marathon! No, I am not planning to start marathon training now, but to a runner this is how time is measured. Unfortunately I'm not sure how much more I will be running, this week I started having lower pelvic pain and through some research think it may be symphysis pubis dysfunction. I've taken the past couple days off running and the pain has improved somewhat, I plan to talk to my ob about this tomorrow and hope she has a different answer or at least a solution to keep me running. Tomorrow's goal is to go shopping and find a support belt, any suggestions?

This week I think I have popped even more- I will post pictures soon, but without running have gotten out of the habit of belly pics. I have gotten more comments about the size of my belly in the past couple days than I have ever had. The best comment I received this week came from a patient's wife who told me I looked great and could be the poster child for pregnancy.

Here are the 24 Week Pics, yes Matt's old sweatshirts are pretty comfortable at this point!


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