Running makes me hungry

I knew today's workout would be tough after along run yesterday, but this was the best way I could fit things into my schedule. After years of running and coaching it took a new coach to tell me something I already knew to make me rethink my training. A few weeks ago he told me that I needed to take advantage of the easy days/days off so I could push harder on the speed/hill/long run days. Duh, I know this, but it finally clicked that yes rest days are important not only for recovery but for the other run days. Thinking about this I wasn't sure how back to back tough runs would turn out. Today's was a hill workout and my best option was to hit the treadmill at nap time. Typically I run "hills" on the treadmill at 3% incline, not today, this workout called for 10% incline, yikes! I kind of had fun...
3 mile warm up
12 hill repeats at marathon pace (7:55): 30 sec hill with 30-60 sec easy in between
3 mile cool down
Total 9.1 miles 1:10:00

What a great workout and how strange my legs felt after the hill repeats I almost felt like I'd be better keeping with the hills. This run lead to my next kitchen experiment. This morning I did a trial of the gingerbread cupcakes for the 2nd birthday party this weekend and wanted to use some of the pumpkin up so here was the result...
Pumpkin/Date Crispy Bars
1 cup dates (soaked)
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tbsp sun butter (or any nut butter)
1/2 cup oats
1 cup puffed rice cereal

Puree dates in food processor, add pumpkin, vanilla, spice and sun butter and continue to puree. Stir in coconut, oats and cereal. Press into pan and sprinkle more coconut on top is desired. Placed in refrigerator or freezer to set. Cut in bars after set (made 10 small).


  1. Yum! Thanks so much for sharing! I really want to try these... i have everything except the puffed rice, so I'm adding that to the grocery list and making these soon! :)

  2. We made these bars this weekend, and have them stashed in the freezer. L has been requesting them for snacks! Yum!


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