A race and maybe I'm back...Marathon Monday

The story of my life!
Week 16, finally settling into this new schedule and accepting that I have to cut out some workouts, the timing is fine since I am tapering, yikes! Keep me busy at work and I can forget the craziness that is going through my head thanks to tapering. Sick kid, healing dog and lack of sleep have added to the craziness but we are surviving. Through this all I am happy to say I am focusing on what I eat more than ever and doing much better than I was with mindless snacking. Got to look at the positive, right?!

Monday: Morning spin and afternoon strength
Tuesday: Evening 7.5 mile hill run coaching
Wednesday: 4.5 mile Run, Strength with trainer
Thursday: Much needed speedy 4 mile run after work: 29:01 (mentally I needed this)
Friday: Strength
Saturday: Decided I’d rather sleep in and skip the drive to the 10K so I ran an easy 8.5 miles at home.
Sunday: 10 Mile race at TC Marathon: 1:13:11 (finally a better race, at no point did I want to quit!). Fueled on nothing but a serving of UCAN before the race and needed nothing but a little water during, love this stuff!
Coffee after TC 10Mile

Week 17 and less than 2 weeks until race day! Not sure how I am feeling, come days the leg is angry and other days quite happy. I guess we see what the day brings and rest up til then.

Monday: Morning spin and afternoon strength
Tuesday: Evening run coaching
Wednesday: Speed interval run, Strength with trainer
Thursday: Morning spin and afternoon yoga or pilates
Friday: Morning run
Saturday: Work then BBQ with my run group. Hoping to fit in a bike ride.
Sunday: 10-12 mile easy run

How was your week? I want to thank everyone for continuing to link up. I am still reading all the blogs but usually on my phone and not able to comment. Keep up the great work and I will be back to commenting soon! I have a couple great giveaways coming very soon too so check back...


  1. Congrats on your strong race!! Enjoy the final bit of taper, looks like you're ready for the marathon!

  2. I was wondering who would be the first person that would post about the TC races. I was supposed to run that marathon yesterday but my foot surgery completely derailed that. Sounds like you did awesome! Congrats!

  3. I love how one great speedy run helps the mental side of running so much!

    I've never tried a 10 mile race but would like to do one. It looks like a fun distance.

  4. Good luck in Mankato! I can't wait to hear what you think of it. I went to college there (MSU)! I have thought about coming up to do that one someday. I'm sure it's really pretty there right now and it'd be fun to run at my alma mater.


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