My Next Attempt at Healing: Acupuncture and Running

Earlier this week my sports chiro suggested I consider acupuncture on my hamstring, at first I was skeptical but decided to give it a try after I was referred to a sports certified acupuncturist. So in the past 24 hours both Morgan and I had our first acupuncture sessions. I figured I needed to know what Morgan was experiencing, right? His acupuncture is to help alleviate pain and side effects of his chemotherapy so different yet similar. My medical based mind is becoming more open as I experience benefits for non-mainstream treatments; first was the Naturopath and now maybe this too.

But in typical me fashion I did my research and have to admit I was a little surprised at the amount of supporting evidence. I saw number from 90-100% cure rate of hamstring tendonopathy with acupuncture, wow! I will say I didn’t read the full study so I can’t say if n=1 or 1,000! I honestly have no idea how or why it works but did find that it promotes healing and can help with injury prevention. I also found lists of many elite runners who routinely have acupuncture. Here is a great article in Runners World

Despite my multiple tattoos and plans for more in the near future I am not a fan of needles and was a bit apprehensive even though I knew these were small. I can sum up the experience in 2 words: Odd and wow! The needles did not hurt at all, really nothing more than a dull quick poke. Then came the warm sensation and at times a dull ache of the muscle. At one point I could feel the entire left side of my body getting heavy, I felt as if the table of tipping that way. She then worked on my tight hip and glute and it was almost immediate muscle release as the needle hit, strange! After all the needles were in: low back, left foot, calf, hamstring, glute, hip and right hand and calf; I had time to just relax under a heat lamp. After working 14 hours Wednesday and 10 hours Thursday I needed time to just relax, eyes closed in calm. It was perfect. She returned 5 minutes, 15 minutes (I honestly have no idea) later to remove the needles and I was done.

I have no idea right now what to think other than my leg feels much looser. I did a quick run through the parking lot as I left in attempts to stay a little dry and the leg felt fine, okay not a great indication. Hoping that the true answer and benefit is shown to me on Sunday. Who else has tried acupuncture? What did you think?

Alright back to obsessing over the weather forecast that says rain/snow for Sunday…Yuck! 2 days until marathon #24 and somehow I am feeling anxious. Maybe a good sign that I feeling ready? I can hope.


  1. I love acupuncture. I used it for infertility (didn't work) and migraines (totally works). It helped me relax too. Good luck!

  2. I have a friend who uses acupuncture for her migraines. She swears by it! Hope it works for you too! Good luck Sunday!!!!

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  4. Good that you considered acupuncture! It's kinda hard to imagine numerous needles in your skin, but it's helpful in maintaining a good blood circulation. Since you're a runner, it can prevent muscle cramps and improve your stamina for long runs. Well, I hope you're satisfied with your results! Just continue the treatment for more benefits. :)

    Farrah Greenough @ US HealthWorks West Sacramento

  5. I tried acupuncture a few years back when I had the worse back pain ever and I fell in love with it because of the results I got. It was kind of freaky feeling the muscles relax and even more odd was the fact you do not realize the strain on your muscles when in pain until after something like acupuncture because you are sore for days as if you had done a massive workout.

  6. I have heard so many amazing healing stories about acupuncture. If I ever needed it, I would definitely be up for it:) Hope it is your cure and good luck this weekend!

  7. I seriously don't think I could go through with it. I would have to be really hurting to consider it as a treatment possibility.

  8. I hope you have positive results and really great weather!

  9. Fascinating! I've always been totally skeptical about acupuncture. Hopefully I will not need it anytime soon but I'm def keeping it in mind. Snow already? Yuck!

  10. I'm a huge supporter of acupuncture! I've been going regularly for everything from migraines to running injuries as well!

  11. I have a few athlete friends who swear by acupuncture. Sounds like a neat experience. I hope it helps!

  12. I have never tried acupuncture but I have never suffered an injury with all my years of running (GULP) hope I didn't jinx myself.

  13. I had multiple acupuncture sessions with a previous chiropractor (not the one that I currently see) and I have to be honest I found it to be mostly a waste of my time and money. It was really expensive because he didn’t take insurance and it was for a couple of different tendon issues and I just don’t think it did anything long term. It can have short term positive effects, but I am (as is my current chiropractor whom I can’t say enough good things about) not convinced of its long term effect. And there are those really strange and shocking feelings where they turn the needle and it hits a nerve or something and this crazy bolt of energy goes through you. Wow those are a weird feeling : )
    All this having been written… I really hope it works for you! And you find it to be a useful treatment. I have found that some people get results from some treatments when others don’t and we have to go with what works. You just asked for our experience and I gave mine.

    Best of luck and let us know as things progress!


  14. I've heard a lot of great things about this, so I am not surprised you had great results and enjoyed the experience!!! I've never tried it myself, but I am glad to know it isn't painful. I have always wondered that part of it:)

  15. We utilized acupuncture when we were going through IVF and the time we did we had Elli! I have a left calf issue I may try acupuncture for.

  16. I'm really interested in trying it and could use tips on how to find an experienced safe practitioner who is used to treating runners. I got dry needled by a chiro and it (IMHO) caused some nerve problems, won't do that again. My NEW chiro says he won't do dry needling and said if anything go to an acupuncturist with at least a 3-4 year training program and certifications. (he also said it's addressing the symptoms and he prefers to address the underlying problems, but I can't evaluate that opinion and he is an expert in his field at least, and he's helping me)

  17. Just keep on with that. The benefits are bound to materialize sooner than later. It really is the nature of treatment that is slowly and surely administered across an entire system, so expect the effects to be sublime.

    Shavonda @ Avicenna

  18. Acupuncture is a good healing for Stress Acupuncture is also good work and can help with several conditions with which some pregnant women suffer. These include morning sickness, back pain, ligament pain, premature cervical ripening, preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension), fatigue, heartburn, constipation, and gestational diabetes.

  19. You know, I've never thought of acupuncture as a form of sports therapy. I have a very cranky IT band. I wonder if that would help it!!

    Hope the marathon went well!

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  21. With acupuncture, there's no need for you to fear needles. This alternative treatment will certainly make you feel better without the need to take any oral medicines. I hope you'll consider this therapy, not just now, but in the long term.

    -Anita Hines @ | EastWestHealingSolutions

  22. I once tried acupuncture and it helped with my backache a lot. It's a relief to have gone in this procedure.Thanks for sharing..acupuncture in fair oaks


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