5 for Friday

1) It’s Friday and even better I’m not working (I’ll leave out that just means I work Saturday)! I got the sleep in until 6 and sit around in pajamas drinking coffee. My big plans for the day include: yoga, a short speed work run, Costco, coffee with a friend and seeing my chiro for muscle work on my hamstring that has been surprisingly happy since last weekend’s long run! Matt dropped O off at school so the day is all mine! I still remember the time when these days were so common, now a rarity but so worth it even though it means lots to do. What do you look forward to most on kid free days off?

2) Dance costume day was earlier this week. I got home to an entire lecture from my 4 year old on how we need to care for the costumes, not iron, hang them up and not pull on them. Way to listen O! She of course had to model but now has to wait 2 more months to wear them again. At least this renewed her love of dance since I’ve been hearing how she doesn’t like it anymore. We will see what the end of the year brings and readdress later but she did tell me it is only ballet she likes! That’s my girl! I was not a fan of tap either.

3) Tomorrow will be 1 month since Morgan left us for Doggy Heaven and I still expect him to greet me at the door every time I walk in. Miss you buddy!
The vet made this print for us, love it!
4) Remember when I talked about prepping the house to move well that’s not happening. Instead we decided to go far in the other direction and remodel our house, yikes! The only thing safe in the upstairs. Over the next few months we will be redoing the kitchen (new counters, refinishing floor, new appliances), finishing the basement and doing a bunch of new landscaping, deck and fencing. Yikes, what are we thinking? Guess I’m spending some time today at Home Depot researching counter tops and appliances, fun times! Any advice is welcome.

5) Not sure I can say this any more but I am DONE WITH WINTER! Yesterday was another brutal subzero day, winds gusting and temps never reach above -6F. Thanks to this fun weather I’m planning another long treadmill run this weekend instead of running in -5F. 20 miles on the treadmill, fun times! Here’s where I need the help, to make the time pass I’ve got music and Netflix (and sometimes a friend to join me). What new music should I add to my list? New shows or movies to watch?

Maybe this will make the time go faster!
From Run The Edge


  1. Lol! I love that last one. Too funny. Be sure to share pictures of the remodel (before, after and during!) =) Nosy blog flowers like to see

    1. Will do! Although I'm pretty sure no one wants to see my basement now that consists of plenty of workout equipment and piles of magazines!

  2. Losing a dog is so hard. We expectantly lost our dog a year and a half ago. I still miss her every day!

    Your daughter in her dance costumes is adorable!

    That last picture is hilarious!

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your vet was so thoughtful to make you the paw print. We lost our two much loved Beagles, Bailey and Beau to IVDD. It would have been wonderful to have a paw print like that to remember them by too. They are still very much alive in our hearts even though it's been years since they passed.

    1. I am so glad they gave it to us :) So sorry about your Beagles <3

  4. My daughter just told me she wants to try ballet. I'm kind of excited about it since I never did dance as a kid. Have fun on the TM this weekend. Even though it sucks, it's still better than brutally cold temps. Winter HAS to end at some point, right??

  5. Hi there, visiting from the blog hop! So sorry about your dog. I had a labrador that lived to be 16 and after having her for so long it is still hard to realize she is no longer here. :( good luck with the home renovations!

  6. Good luck with the remodel! What a funny story about the dance costumes, I too preferred ballet over tap!

  7. You and me both Jen! Done with winter. I'm sitting here putting off the dreaded treadmill as we wait for the next winter storm. It's got to end some time right?!

    I remember dance costume days all too well :)

  8. I'm so sorry about your dog. Losing a pet is like losing a member of the family.

  9. Love that graphic! And so sorry to hear about your dog - that's so hard.

  10. Kid free days off - I do not know these days that you speak of. I don't think I've ever had one of those! I'm either at work or have a kid-full day "off" work. :)

  11. So sorry about your dog! But I am loving those cute dance costumes!
    The treadmill picture put a huge smile on my face, love it!!!


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