Going Dairy Free: Menu Planning and Pumpkin Cookies

The post I had planned for Wednesday (and then Friday when our power was out!) takes a much happier attitude! Thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts about Morgan.

The weather this week has once again been awful, no school for many Monday and Tuesday due to wind chills of -40 below and worse! Then Thursday brought a huge dumping of snow and wind, yuck! Monday O still had school but the call came around lunch that they had no heat in the building and it hadn't been fixed so things were cold, yikes! Come pick her up if I could, luckily my afternoon at work wasn't bad so I was on my way. The selfish runner in me was frustrated I had to skip the gym, but we made it work. 

After a short argument because someone didn't want to leave school, she loves it! We were home, O took her afternoon quiet/nap time and I threw in Jillian Michaels 6 Pack in 6 Weeks workout. I love this workout for times like this when I'm limited. Then per O's request it was cookie time!

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies
1 banana mashed
1 cup pumpkin purée
1/2 cup date paste
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups oats
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup raisins

Mix dry ingredients, add in wet and mix well. Stir in nuts and raisins. Drop by spoonfuls on prepared baking sheet and flatten. Bake 10-12 min at 350 degrees

And now on the the rest of my weekly food talk...February 1st marked the start of elimination diet trials (again) for O. We did this a couple years ago but she was too young to communicate her discomfort or symptoms and outwardly the changes were little. After daily complaints of tummy aches, huge bloated belly and lots of respiratory crud I've had enough. First we are doing dairy, I also need to re-eliminate this from my diet so I am in with her. Plus I need to get even better at what I eat. So what's on the menu this week?

What is on your menu for the week? Any good dairy free meal suggestions?

Today we are off to celebrate O's birthday party with family and friends. Can't wait to see how good this cake tastes, wish me luck on the frosting and decorating!


  1. Those look like perfect toddler (and mama) cookies! I've been thinking of you all with Morgan....that's so tough.

  2. I need to go dairy free. I love dairy but dairy does not love me. It's become an unrequited love affair.

  3. Sorry you had such a tough week. The cookies look delicious and I would love to have your tofu fajitas recipe.

  4. Hope your week goes better. And good luck on frosting the cake - I'm horrible at it!

  5. Those cookies look fantastic!



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