Time to embrace winter

I’ve decided that after 35 years of living in the frozen tundra I’m going to do my best to embrace winter. After years of talking about it I was finally convinced after O’s birthday party last weekend. I wasn’t sure how things would go but as part of her party at the nature preserve the naturalist offered to take the kids snowshoeing to find animal tracks. O loved it, she immediately took off like a pro! This of course led to wanting to go again and Matt buying her snowshoes that night!

Ironically the next day we were offered a pair of skis for her as well, why not?! So now we have a 4 year old with her own snowshoes and skis and neither Matt or I own either, time to fix that! Thank you REI for your big 1 day sale on Wednesday, we are now waiting on our own snowshoes to arrive. I’m excited and hope that this will be extra motivation to get out and enjoy winter. What great cross training for running. I have been so limited with the cold weather and snow covered paths that way too many miles have been logged on the treadmill.

On Tuesday I ran for the first time outside since the start of the year (besides Disney) and it was not great, the uneven ground hurts my hip! Ugh, just got this healed, I can’t risk anything else. Once again we are starting another day with below 0 temperatures and wind chills of -30! Makes me wonder why I live here! Now we start the search for cross country skis, although that may wait until next year since I hope we are nearing the end of this brutal winter! Any advice for a newbie on snowshoes?

What is your favorite outdoor winter activity? I’m hoping with these new options I won’t hate winter quite as much, wish me luck!


  1. I really want to try snowshoeing sometime.

  2. This is why I live in Georgia. I can't deal with all that cold!

  3. Good luck with that - my favorite winter activities do not involve being outdoors. I truly hate the snow.

  4. Snowshoeing looks like so much fun! I am not a winter fan, but now that my son almost 2, he likes to play in the snow, so I have to find an activity (other than running) that I can do outside with him that is fun! I want to try snowshoeing now..and who can resist those tiny little shoes on kids, adorable!!

  5. I LOVE that you had her birthday party at a nature center!! My favorite winter activity is sleeping.... the opposite of being active :P

  6. I just moved to Denver in the last year (from California, no less), and I am surprisingly happy with the snow. My two year old LOVES the snow. We are hoping to get him on skis next season. Until then, my favorite winter activity is still snowboarding (although it's getting harder as I get older!). I amy have to go back to skiing when my son starts learning.

  7. We've had a cold and snowy winter too. I think I've convinced myself that I need to purchase some yaktrax so that I can run easier out on the snow.

  8. It's been FRIGID here in Denver! I had to promote a running group I am part of and ended up running in -5 degrees! i'll never do that again! But my favorite winter activity is snowboarding! Absolutely love it! But I really want to try snow shoeing for sure!

  9. I hated leaving CA to live in OH mainly because of the winters! You've inspired me to view winter in a different way. Embrace it instead of fight it every step of the way.


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