Friday training updates

Sorry, I kind of disappeared for awhile here! Things have been up and down so I figured it was time for an update on my life, training and all that goes with it!

2 weeks ago I ran my first 20 miler of this training and longest run in nearly 6 months. Luckily I had friends to join me for the first 11 miles but was on my own for the rest. This kept my pace for getting too fast to start (which I have a bad habit of doing!). Everything went great until the final mile when my right hamstring started getting tight, I finished and got in my car. As soon as I sat ouch! My hamstring was in full spasm, I got home and made Matt dig in to work it out. Overall a good run but I could have done without the ending.

The following day we flew to Los Angeles for my work trip and spending 4 hours on a plane and another 1 hour in the car was not fun for my leg! Plenty of walking helped that afternoon and the next day but sitting in a work conference wasn't great. Luckily we had plenty of time for Disney Land and I averaged 20,000 steps+ each day. I think the iPhone health tracker is kind of fun to look at. Plus I got in a couple nice early morning runs in Anaheim, thrilled to run in shorts and a tank again.

By Friday I decided it was time to get my hamstring worked on in prep for the last few weeks of training. Mentally I just can't handle this hamstring to act out again! I've been back twice for graston and acupuncture and it seems to be dealing with the issues, fingers crossed. I'll safe you all the lovely site of my bruised and irritated thigh from all work, I look like I've been punched! 

 I had a moment of panic 2 days ago when both my calf and hamstring tightened up during a morning run and were not happy. Luckily that has since improved and my body happily pulled out 9 miles at 7:45 pace yesterday! Today I stuck with yoga to work it out in anticipation of tomorrow! 22 miles and then I taper! Seriously I feel like this training just started. 

Mentally I think the 3 days a week of running is messing with me, I feel like my mileage has been too low and my runs lacking but physically I know this is my limit right now. So help me out, Who's had success with Furman 3 day training (or similar)? I just need to hear good stories to talk me down!

Happy Friday! What are your weekend plans? Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday


  1. Good luck with the rest of your training! I was in Anaheim for a conference a couple of weeks ago, it was fun running in a new location...wish I could've gone to Disneyland though. Hope your hamstring feels better soon!

    1. Thanks! Bummer you didn't have more free time in Anaheim

  2. I used Hal Higdon's plan for my 1st two marathons which has you running everyday. After my 2nd marathon, I joined crossfit and learned about their approach to endurance races. Trained very similar to what they suggest which is 3 runs a week for my 3rd and got a 20 minute PR. I think the biggest thing was I always found myself with nagging injuries in my first two races. I think the extra days off let me recover better. But I was like you and definitely nervous b/c I felt unprepared. Best of luck to you!

    Flip Flops and Furs

    1. Great to hear this! I do feel much less prone to injury with all the focus on strength training and HIIT workouts the other days

  3. Good luck with your 22 miler! Having an awesome 9 miler before is sure to help with some of the mental stuff.

    Have a wonderful weekend friend! XOXO


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