Fun Holiday Friday!

Anyone else having a hard time believing that Christmas is in 1 week?! Seriously where did the time go and how will I get everything done? We hit the dep freeze here and had a day of light snow, then rain so now just cold and nasty! I’m sure everyone knows how much I hate cold weather so this is not making me happy, just reminding myself that in 1 month I will be enjoying sun, warmth and the beach J

Started the weekend with a long, early run. I’m glad I have such crazy friends to convince me a 6am start will be fun on a December Saturday! 16 hilly miles done with great conversation at 8:26 avg pace!

Then it the weekend was all about holiday fun: we saw the Nutcracker with friends, Saturday was Santa games at the gym and then Charlie Brown Christmas followed by finally decorating the tree.

We are hosting Christmas Eve and doing an appetizer type dinner, my favorite! So far the plan for my vegan/gluten free/healthy meal is…
  • vegan 7 layer tip
  • hummus and veggies
  • quinoa pizza bites
  • vegan hot spinach artichoke dip
  • stuffed sweet potato skins
  • And dessert of course!

Do you have a favorite appetizer I should add to this list?

With hosting Christmas Eve it means a relaxing Christmas day at home. We wake up, open presents and after breakfast I meet up with friends for a run. We eat leftovers, relax and just do whatever we want. No stress, no driving, just family time and taking it easy…something we do little of.

Last day to donate to win this prize (low entries so great chance to win this prize!)! I’m raising $ for CCFA when I run New Orleans Marathon in February, I'm asking for your help and donating to this great cause
For every $25 tax deductible donation this week you will be entered to win a runner's gift box! Just donate through link above and I will notify winner on Saturday.

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday Are you ready for Christmas? What are you cooking or baking?


  1. I'm so not made for winter either :-)) Good luck with your fundraiser!

    1. Thanks! Good to hear I'm not alone in hating winter :)

  2. Yes. I'm ready for Christmas. Winter? Not so much.

    Take a little time to visit the other Fitness Friday blogs :)

  3. Well the cold weather must agree with you-those are some speedy run times. Have a wonderful Christmas! Look forward to connecting with you more in the new year
    Confessions of a Mother Runner

    1. Thanks! Look forward to 2016 and seeing what it brings for us both


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