32 Weeks and a 5K

Matt and I ran the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning. There are 5,000+ people in the race and this was the first year I didn’t feel annoyed by the slow people. I guess this means I have slowed down too. Even with our easy pace (Matt is dealing with an Achilles issue) we finished under 30 minutes (barely, but it was under).

At the post-race party 2004 Olympian Carrie Tolefson was the emcee and stopped me to ask about running during pregnancy. She asked about running and cravings, all with me answering in the microphone, yikes now everyone knows who much I wanted that pumpkin pie. Too bad I managed to drop the first pie I made on the kitchen floor, this led to a trip to the only open grocery store, Wal-Mart, for more ingredients. The second pie survived and was well worth it. This along with grilled halibut, garlic mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and a little Beaujolais nouveau made a great Thanksgiving dinner.

Otherwise, baby’s furniture is now in the room, all that is left is for Matt to assemble to crib. Now I need to start washing all the clothes so I can organize the drawers. Besides this, the belly is continuing to grow to the point that I am starting to have an outie belly button.

Before heading out to run the Turkey Trot 5K


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