Marathon Monday Week 4: Accepting a new direction

Week 4 was busy with work travel and sitting all day in conferences plus submitting my final thesis proposal. I managed to find time for my workouts (even more so some days than being home with family responsibilities). I am accepting that this training cycle is just one to enjoy that I am running, take it easy and accept whatever comes my way for race results.

Monday: Piyo Core, P90X3 Upper/Lower
Tuesday: Piyo Buns. Evening run 6 miles and PT exercises
Wednesday: Piyo Drench
Thursday: T25 Cardio and strength, Run 4 miles on beach!
Friday: Run 8 miles at sunrise, it was beautiful! Piyo upper/lower
Saturday: Piyo core & 21DF Cardio to start the day then 21DF Yoga and 2 mile walk before my flight
Sunday: Run 14.5 slow (2:14:01) and easy miles & 21 DF abs

Happy to be home but realized my running was so much better in San Diego! I don’t think allergy season has ended here this year but I don’t want to wish a freeze on us to stop allergies. Maybe I need to take up the great offer I was given when I was there and move to California.

Monday: 21 Day Fix Upper/Pilates
Tuesday: Piyo Buns. Evening run 6 miles
Wednesday: P90X3 Upper/Lower and PT
Thursday: Run 8 miles with baby speedwork! And Piyo Core
Friday: Bike or swim and weights
Saturday: Run 14 miles and 21 Day Fix Yoga
Sunday: Work, yuck! Hopefully a bike ride. But for sure Piyo Lower.

Tell me about your best workout last week, goals for this week?


  1. My best workout weeks have been the last 2 with Piyo! Seriously loving it.

    1. It is awesome isn't it! And so easy to bring with me last week to travel :)

  2. Everyone is so into PiYo these days. I will have to check it out!
    Confessions of A Mother Runner

    1. Yes, it is awesome! Email me and I can send you more info. There is a great deal July only on piyo


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