Marathon Monday: Ready to Peak!

I'm in the full swing of school, about the peak in this marathon training cycle and enter the few weeks of racing combined with all the other aspects of life. Seemed life the perfect time to get back in the habit of weekly goal posting...

This will be week 2 of P90X3 and I am loving it! As an endurance athlete I shy away from the quick, fast workouts and wow these a kicking my butt in such a great way! I’m gaining balance, flexibility, strength and core. What more does a runner need? I love my early morning dates with Tony Horton! So excited for the new P90 to come out later this week, let me know if you want in on the first test group.

·         6 Days P90X3 including X3 yoga which is wonderful
·         4 Days running:  1 speed, 1 long run (22 miles!), 1 hills and 1 easy
·         3 additional core focus days

Non Fitness Goals:
·         Clean 1 more room
·         Start Part 2 of my project plan
·         No wine on weeknights
·         Finish unpacking from vacation 2 ½ weeks ago!

What are your goals this week? 


  1. I'm intrigued-what would the test group consist of? I may be interested in combining with my running.

  2. I'm curious about the test group as well. This week's goals include getting to the weight room twice and logging more than 30 miles. Still recovering from the marathon a week ago!


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