Marathon Weekly: Bring on the Taper

I made through the biggest week in marathon training and my last long training run of my unconventional training! I think I peaked at 45 mpw when I used to run 65+ mpw, wow! But my focus has been on more strength and cross training instead and I feel much better and heck even think I look better!

So how did my goals end up?

  • 6 Days P90X3 including X3 yoga which is wonderful Yes! Have I said how much I love this workout?!
  • 4 Days running:  1 speed, 1 long run (22 miles!), 1 hills and 1 easy Yes: Tues 7 miles on hilly course, Thurs: 7 miles with some intervals, Sat: 22.1 miles, Sun: 5 miles easy
  •  3 additional core focus days Yes: 21 DF 10 Minute Abs, Pilates and Piyo Core

Non Fitness Goals:
  • Clean 1 more room  Barely
  • Start Part 2 of my project plan Yes, but not much
  • No wine on weeknights No, work dinner Wednesday with a couple glasses of wine
  • Finish unpacking from vacation 2 ½ weeks ago! Finally!

Now I am less than 3 weeks until my 26th marathon and first after spending nearly 2 years injured and denying it. I’m still not feeling that I am back 100% since I first focused on gaining the mileage back and have put speed work on the side. This week I am taking on another crazy challenge that sounded like a great idea when I signed up (while on vacation running Dopey Challenge). We are running Looney Challenge with TCM: Saturday 5K/10K and Sunday 10 Mile. This week I also start mommy/daughter dance class with O.

  • 6 Days P90X3
  • 4 Days running:  Tues: Hills, Thurs: Easy, Sat: 5K/10K, Sun: 10 Mile
  • Foam Roll Daily
  • 3 additional core focus days

Non Fitness Goals:
  • Empty my To Do List!
  • Finish Part 2 of my project plan
  • No more dairy in October
  • Finish painting basement

What are your goals this week? 


  1. I just need to get through this week's half marathon. I am really not looking forward to it. :(

    Sounds like you had a wonderful week! 26 marathons! What an accomplishment!

  2. Oh cool, you're running at the Twin Cities Medtronic?! Have a great time! I ran the marathon there in 2011 and was so amazed at how beautiful the cities area was. I usually think of just sidewalks and big buildings, but the residential areas and fall leaves were gorgeous.

    Your 26th marathon should be a special occasion to celebrate!!! Congrats. That's really awesome!

    Amy @


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