This is what you get...

Are you like me and you as you run you write? Too bad Siri can’t read my thoughts and write for me! This morning after a rough few weeks and allergies kicking my butt I headed out for a much needed mind clearing run, grabbed my Boston 2011 jacket and went. The race that unexpectedly became my PR and still stands 2 ½ years later, not my most important race but one I will never forget. The jacket always reminds me of where I was and that I will get back there and be even stronger. I’m sure my full thoughts won’t make it out in this post but this is the basis of my run and where I am right now…

As I’m sure you all have seen my blogging has lacked lately, I kind of lost hold on why I wrote. I tried turning this into something it wasn’t so I am going back to where I started. A place to write about my life as a mom and runner living healthy (or trying my best to).

Over the next 10 months I will be over my head in diabetes research for my doctoral project, yikes but that also means in 10 months I will be done with grad school forever! The next year will also bring the usual running, healthy living and parenting as we prepare a spirited child for kindergarten. 
We are in the midst of dealing with behavioral and sleep issues and a possible ADHD diagnosis so that only adds more to the stress of life. But through it all I use running to deal with stress. My goal this time around is to rely on healthy eating to get me through (with some red wine of course!). I’m no longer hiding my stress behind what looks like a life completely put together, that isn’t me.

Over the next year you’ll get me, take it or leave it. The real me filled with the stress of parenting, school and working full time and how I am surviving it all with fitness and nutrition. You will see a change in my running this fall as I am deciding to focus on enjoying my runs, not pushing myself as I continue to recover from my hip issues. My running is less, but I am loving other forms of fitness. My times will likely be slower but that’s okay. These posts may include my new founded love of Beachbody products but it will not turn into a sales blog (but you are always welcome to check out my site and join me!). There will still be product reviews and giveaways that fit with what I believe. I’ll continue to share recipes and my workouts, talk about my life and being a busy mom. It will all be me…

Hang on and join me for the crazy year ahead.


  1. Hang in there, sounds like you have a tough year ahead, but you can do it! I remind myself of this saying while running or in life trials >> "Relentless forward motion". That one especially helped me through my first few weeks as a newborn parent :)

    I love that you are being real with your blogging - the "real" blogs are the ones that I love to read! So many other mom/runner blogs seem like everyone else has it together (except for me, of course) and it can be discouraging! As a mom and runner, I find hope in knowing that I'm not the only one who gets stressed out by this crazy life!

    P.S. I love the colors of your Boston coat! I ran there the year after you and my coat is super bright orange and black. Nice for night visibility, but pretty bold for any other time of the day :)

    Amy @

  2. Sounds like a great plan girl!!! Looking forward to all your posts!

  3. It sounds tough but it sounds even more like you're ready to take it all on!

  4. I can dig it. When I run I think and when I think I get ideas and then I want to execute but hey - I'm running so it will have to wait. Once I return to reality....I forget because household, children and spouse have taken over! Can't wait to read your adventures as super mom.

  5. :). Life sure does have a way of telling you to slow down, doesn't it. Literally and figuratively. from where I stand, it's pretty refreshing to read that all of the mommy bloggers that I had to assume were robots are really just human like me :). C's first year threw me for such a loop and every time I'd read someone else's blog, I felt like what am I doing wrong and how can all of these people do everything and have it all together ;). I'm sure that in between being a mommy and working and going to school, you need YOU time! Being slow isn't the end of the world and besides, your slow is my super fast ;).

    I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for you three!!

  6. Thinking of you with the spirited child and possible diagnosis- that's tough! I'm glad you have running to carry you through all that this year will hold.


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