What have I done?!

Yesterday, I spent the day working in the medical tent at a triathlon. I even got to sit out on a boat to watch the swimmers. The athletes were doing either Half Ironman and Olympic distance courses. It was great to watch everyone from the elites to the rookies. I even had a chance to talk to a few of the elites.

I have been thinking about actually doing a tri this summer now that I have overcome my fear of biking. Well I came home after being inspired at the race and signed up for a sprint tri, OMG! So August 17th I will be swimming in a lake, biking and running. I picked a short race (500 yard swim, 15 mile bike, 5K run) that is for women only and aimed at beginners so I thought I would be safe. Still I am a little freaked out! Next Monday after Grandma's I will start my official 8 weeks of tri training.


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