Restrictions and a plan...

Since my few short runs after Grandma's the pain has returned to my right ankle so I decided that it made sense to get in to see a sports doc sooner than later this time. I had a great swim this morning, 35 minutes total with 14 minutes of continuous swimming, followed by 2.5 miles of running. That was not the best idea since I was in pain by the end.

My tendon has been reaggravated and I am now restricted to 20 miles a week of running, I guess I'll have to focus on the biking an swimming. I am also going to make some shoe and orthotic changes to see if that helps since the doc thinks they aren't exactly right for me. He is also sending me to PT, he tried to get me into see the best PT for runners in the Midwest, but she is booked until late August so I'm settling for his second choice who I can see in two weeks. He thinks I need ankle strengthening and a gait analysis. After some PT I'll go back in 3-6 weeks and depending on my progress, the next step is a cortisone injection into the tendon sheath.


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