I'm a Winter Weather Wimp

A couple years ago Matt and I routinely ran long runs outside most weekends and I survived, but this year I think I have forgotten how to run int he Winter. In 2007 I ran RnR Arizona and it was 28F at the start, that day I wore shorts, a long sleeved shirt, light jacket and throw away gloves and was comfortable. So far this Winter I have ran three times outside and each time looked like an overdressed child waiting at the bus stop. My Winter running outfit now includes tights, wind pants, short sleeved base layer, mock turtle neck, heavy running jacket, hat, and mittens. Last weekend I even had hand warmers in my gloves and it was in the low 20s. I know my body needs to adapt again, but this is ridiculous, it takes forever to get dressed! And on top of all this frozen energy chews (this weekend Power Bar Chews) are hard to eat. Where is Spring and the sun for that matter?!

This weekend's 17 miler was much better then last weekend's 17 miles. I have spent way to much time on the treadmill that I think my training is suffering. I instability of running on ice and snow last weekend resulted in very sore legs. At least I finally slowed to a LSD pace instead of doing a long run at half marathon pace just to get finished with another treadmill run. Don't get me wrong I am very thankful for my treadmill and being able to easily fit in runs, but I'm starting to get a little tired of this routine. After the wipe out I took on the ice at the end to today's 5 miles I think I might be better off sticking to the treadmill until everything is melted. 


  1. I'm horrible about outside running to. I can handle it if it's 20 degrees with no snow, but I always change my form when running outside with snow/ice, then I end up hurting myself. But yeah, I wear 2 pairs of tights. I'm a wuss!


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