Fitness Friday Randomness

Look what my friend the UPS man brought (along with two new pairs of compressions socks)! If it isn't running clothes/shoes then he brings me wine, I think he is my best friend! Love the Boston jackets this year, now to convince myself to wait another 6 weeks to open the packaging. Not sure if I think it is okay to wear it until marathon weekend, that has got to be some sort of bad karma. So there it sits, bag still sealed. 6 weeks from today on our 10th anniversary we leave for Boston and I will let myself open it then.

February left with a bang and March is here melting all the remains of the snowstorm with forecasts in the 50s next week. February was a good month for workouts, I kept with my goals of cross training and even got in 2 pilates classes at the end of the month and swam once, a huge accomplishment considering it has been 3 years since my last swim! I logged...
  • 222.4 miles running (a great higher mileage month despite the calf issues)
  • 5 hours 15 min on the bike trainer
  • 35 min swimming
  • 2 hours on the elliptical (to replace some running)
  • 2x weekly strength training

Now I have something to aim for in March, increasing the quality and run miles along with bike and swim workouts while keeping up the strength training. I also have my fingers crossed for departure (on no return) of the snow!
I'm ready for gymnastics!

Yesterday also ended the 3rd gymnastics session. It is amazing how much she has grown and improved over the past 9 months. From a crooked forward roll and just watching others to two feet jumping, walking backwards across the beam, hanging/flipping off the bars and swinging on the rope.

It is hard to believe that just 6 months ago she was afraid of the foam pit and now she loves swinging and jumping into it! The spring session starts next week and we found out that the toddler class is part of the show in May as well, this could be interesting better have the video camera ready! I am so happy she is such an active little girl and that we have been able to be such strong role models for health and fitness, I hope she continues to love this as much as I do as she gets older. Linking up to Fitness Friday


  1. I like the new look! Congrats on such a good month-- I'm ready to get my miles back up, but apparently my body is not. :) Love those gymnastic pics, that reminds me that I've been wanting to look into a class for L... looks like a blast!

    1. Thanks! Gymnastics has been great for her, a way to teach listening, working with other kids/adults and burns off a lot of energy!

  2. Good luck in Boston! I think it would be hard to resist that jacket sitting in a box.

    Your little girl is adorable, and awesome that you are such a good role model. Congrats!

    Visiting from Fitness Friday. Nice to meet you.

    1. Thanks, looking forward to Boston it is such a fun experience!

  3. What a great month! I hope you have a wonderful time at Boston...I don't know if I could wait that long to open the package! ha!

    1. I think I might have to hide the jacket from myself!

  4. so great that your little girl is loving gymnastics - I am going to enroll my daughter in a class in a few weeks.

    The Boston jacket - I don't know if I could resist! You have more willpower than I!

    1. Gymnastics has been great for her, hope your daughter has fun too.

  5. Wow, you really rocked it with the miles this month! That's an amazing amount of miles in a shorter month. I love that jacket; you are going to have such a good time!

    1. Boston is a blast, I hadn't planned on another year but decided I had so much fun last year that I wanted to go back.

  6. Awesome job this month! Love the jacket. You have great will power to leave it in the box. I would have put that baby on as soon as I got it just to see how it looks:) Love the foam pit! Good luck in Boston!

    1. Thanks, seeing what I truly accomplished this month made me feel so much better after the training difficulties I was having.

  7. Wow! What a month!! I am a new runner and haven't even hit 100 miles yet this year! What amazing inspiration!! That picture of your daughter is so sweet she looks like a natural!

    Coming from Jill's Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks! I remember when I started as a runner thinking I'd never be running this much and loved it so much I was hooked. Keep with it, running is a great activity :)

  8. Amazing month! And a very cool jacket. I'd be so tempted to open it but I wouldn't because of the karma :)

    What an exciting event to look forward to!

    1. Thanks! Jacket is now safely hidden away to prevent any temptation :-)

  9. oh my gosh she is too adorable and um the jacket...awwwesome :)

  10. OMG I want to open that package right now, but I know the thought of bad karma might consume me also! Good luck in Boston, what a great jacket!

    1. Can't mess with the potential of bad karma as a runner :)


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