What a week!

Happy Friday, a 3 day weekend and it began with an hour on the bike trainer and will likely continue with an afternoon run, I love these double days!

Oh my, what have I just done? For years I've thinking about running an ultra and now I am committed to a 50K. I just registered for the Afton Trail Run in July. Now to figure out how to actually train for this so I don't embarrass myself! There is a 9 hour limit so I figure I will be fine and worst case I can stop after the first 25K loop if I need to. I honestly don't think the running will be a problem but I am concerned with fueling and not upsetting my GI system. Any advice?

I guess this is what happens after a week of good news and excitement. The workouts of last weekend and then a nice 10 mile run in sun and warmth earlier this week along with time on the bike have inspired me and helped me arrive at an important decision. After being recruited about a month ago and then three interviews I was called on Tuesday and offered a new job using my graduate degree! The pay and benefits are better and even though it was posted as full-time they are willing to hired me part-time. Best yet it is within the same organization I am currently at so I keep my earned PTO and seniority. Strangely (or maybe not) the only thing against the job was longer commutes and less time to workout. Yes, that's right I almost turned down a great opportunity because I am scared or missing workouts! Is there something wrong with me? or am I just a runner!

In other news we are halfway through an elimination diet trial for O since she has many GI issues (I'll save the full details), continues to be small, always bloated and complaining of "tummy hurt". We started with dairy elimination and of course I had a tough time coming up with dairy free dinners even though I try to limit it since I am sensitive as well. So in attempts to use up some ingredients in the kitchen I came up with this super easy curry.

Chickpea Spinach Coconut Curry
1 small onion diced
2 cloves garlic minced
Spinach leaves torn - I used about 1/2 bag
1 can chickpeas
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can coconut milk - I used lite
2 tsp curry powder
1/4-1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (or less)
Salt to taste

Heat oil and saute onion and garlic until soft, add spinach until wilted. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 20-30 min to reduce. Serve with rice.

Unfortunately 1 week into the 2 week dairy elimination I am seeing little improvement meaning we will likely need to continue with further testing and/or elimination trials.


  1. Congrats on the new job! And good luck with the 50K! That's quite a distance!

    1. Thanks, the toughest part will be the trails!

  2. new job - how exciting! Funny that the workout time was almost a deal breaker. That recipe looks delicious!

    Good luck with the 50k!

    1. Almost, hubby quickly talked me out of it. Guess it means more early morning workouts!

  3. 50k and a new job-- such a great week for you! So sorry to hear about O's upset belly... I hear dairy elimination can take about two weeks, so I'd hang in there. We make a similar curry, looks delicious!

    1. Our Pediatrician wans a 2 week elimination, 2 week reintroduce, 2 week elimination so this will be a long process!

  4. Thank you for commenting on my blog! GREAT JOB on registering for your first ULTRA!!! GO GIRL!! My advice: train with food!! Eat on every run. Eat snacks: pj&j, pb and nilla wafers, oreos, chips, gummy bears, etc. Find out what they will serve at the ultra and try to train for that. Oh, I'm so excited for you. It's so insane, but so much fun!!

  5. It looks like my plans for an ultra relay may fall through so I'm looking for my first ultra. Kind of works out since my husband has been trying to get me to run a 50K with him this year. I'm curious to hear more about your training.

    1. This training plan was recommended to me http://www.trailrunevents.com/ul/schedule-50k.asp Might have it give it a try and see how it goes.

  6. congrats on the new job and good luck in your training for your race!! :)

    1. Thanks, after today's 22 miler I feel a little less nervous.

  7. It'll be great to finally meet you at Afton. I've heard (mostly from Steve Q) that it is an outstanding place to run. That curry looks awesome. We'll be coming to your house for dinner after the race. ;). Hope you figure out what is causing O's gi problems.

    1. Sure come on over, not sure I'll be cooking after running that much!


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