Observations from the gym: Part 2

Not running means spending a lot more time inside the gym lately. This morning my long "run" consisted of 1 hour elliptical, 15 min bike, then a short break to run downstairs to meet and send off my run group then back upstairs for 1 hour elliptical and 20 min bike for 2 hour 35 min workout. Another mentally draining workout, I wish I was outside running! All this time in the gym and I see a lot of interesting things...
  • The man on the elliptical who smelled his armpits every few minutes. Huh? You are working out and sweating, pretty sure you will smell.
  • The man wearing his swimsuit who sat down by the pool, read the newspaper and then headed back to locker room (bike overlooks the pool, always interesting there).
  • There is going to be a local baby boom in the next few months, I have never seen so many pregnant women at the gym as I did this morning! This only continued as ai shopped this afternoon, we are being overwhelmed by pregnant women!
  • What is the point of a 5 minute workout? More then 1 person got on a cardio machine for 5 minutes and then left.
  • Are you really getting a workout if you can have a cell phone conversation?
  • Saturday morning is social hour at the gym. There were many women doing more gossiping then working out.
  • Jeans are not workout clothes and can't be comfortable.
  • There are some interesting looking sports drinks out there.
I took my doctor's other adivce today and bought my first pair of minimalist runnung shoes but they will stay in the box until after I am fully healed! They are actually comfortable and I think they are cute.


    1. ooo, love the new "shoes"; I'm guessing those "5 minute workouts" were just warmups for weights....or justifying a latte? If nothing else all this insane indoor work will mean you REALLY do your darndest to enjoy Boston :)

      1. I'm guessing justifying a latte! No doubt I will enjoy Boston :)

    2. Those shoes are so cute! Hope you like them! That's a long time to be at the gym, when you'd rather be running. Some good mental toughness developing!

      1. Hoping the mental toughness is enough to help with running.

    3. OK - those shoes are CUTE!! I never thought I'd say that about Vibrams... and I even own a pair!

      Ditto with your gym comments... kind of like the lady who does the bike for about 10 min while reading a magazine. Yeah, and she wonders why she isn't losing any weight esp when she goes to the gym 3x a week! ;)

      1. Yes, that is the other thing...how do you actually read while working out?!

    4. I am impressed 2x one hour on the elliptical...you have nerves of steel! I did 45 min the other day and was sick of everything on my iPod playlist and sick of people watching...I need to seriously buck up!

      1. Me too, I was bored and moved beyond the iPod to I heart radio app on on phone and tried watching the "interesting" cartoons on Saturday morning.

    5. I'm so tempted to try the 5-finger/minimalist shoe!

      2 hours on the eliptical...WOW!

      Your gym observations crack me up. I'm sure I've seen all that you mentioned :)

      1. I always said I'd never give in to the barefoot trend but I guess I caved!


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