Fear of running

I love to run and even on most of my worst runs I look forward to it, but not today. My last run was 15 days ago followed by the possible stress fracture diagnosis 2 days later. It has now been 1 full week that my leg has been pain free even through biking, walking and elliptical workouts. I thought about a short run today but talked myself out of it despite reaching the 2 weeks off. Fear has taken over, not the fear of the run, but the fear of the what if. What if it hurts again with running? What if I re-injure my leg with a run? What if it just doesn't go good like I am hoping? So instead I walked, again. Am I the only one who feels like I am cheating when I walk with the BOB?

No matter when it happens there will be hesitation and possible bad outcomes of the first post-injury run. A few more days won't hurt me, well except the mental strain of too many other workouts. I already have plans for a few miles on Saturday, so fingers crossed. This next week also means lots more cross training, what are other fun workouts without running?

Without running my days continue to be filled with biking on the trainer and spin class, elliptical, weight training and pilates. Pilates today kicked my butt! Yikes, keep this up and might get back my pre-baby 6 pack abs soon. 10 days until Boston Marathon...For now check out Fitness Friday


  1. I know that fear well! You're so ready to get back, yet don't want to aggravate the injury and add time on... you're being so smart! Hope the Saturday miles go well. You'll certainly be stronger for all that cross training you are doing!

    1. Thanks Laura, sometimes I don't feel too smart :)

  2. I think you are just doing it in a smart way. The last thing you want is to start back too early and mess something up. However, you need to start some time. Could you swing an easy, slow jog? I mean, you don't need to start right back in with a 5 minute mile and a marathon.

    1. 5 minute mile, hahaha I wish! :) The plan for today is an easy run.

  3. I hear you on getting back too soon! And, I do understand that the mental games we play with ourselves are really the worst part!

    Just repeat... cross training is good for me!

    1. I think a large part of marathon training is mental!

      Cross training is good for me... :)

  4. The few times I've been injured I went through this exact thing. I became running paralyzed with fear of re-injury. BUt, those first few strides with no pain are...I don't even have a word to describe that feeling. The sense of relief is beyond compare.

    Great job with the crosstraining.

    1. Thanks, hoping that sense of relief from pain free miles comes in just a couple hours :)

  5. I am a newbie to running so I don't know exactly what you are going through, but I know has to be hard mentally and painful physically(This empathy comes through having a very painful blister). I hope everything gets better!!

    Coming from Fitness Friday!!

    1. Thanks, welcome to the craziness of being a runner :)


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