Happy Easter

Happy Easter, what a great weekend (well besides the crazy over tired 2 year old who missed her nap today)! For weeks she has been looking forward to the Easter Bunny bringing bubbles, luckily for mommy the second store was not sold out yesterday. Who knew bubbles were so popular. The Easter Bunny even hit some eggs around the house filled with money, stickers and a stamper and left a basket with Elmo and Abby socks, Annie's Bunny Crackers and the much anticipated bubbles.

We later had an egg hunt with the in laws, which she looked forward to the entire hour car ride and kept repeating "Easter Hunt" which sounded a lot like Pizza Hut. Thank you little girl I am now craving bread sticks from Pizza Hut which I haven't eaten in probably 20 years. This egg hunt resulted in more coins and a basket full of candy. Sister in law also gave her a basket with "only a little candy"! Wow, if a little candy means 2 Kit Kats, a bunch of Reese's Cups and a bag of M&Ms. Really what 2 year old (or any age child) needs that much candy?!

My weekend highlight...I RAN! And it was pain free and nearly 36 hours later leg still feels good :-) Mentally I needed this run, now I just need to keep convincing myself to continue to rest the leg and only run a few easy miles.


  1. Yay! So glad you were able to run pain free! Sounds like a great weekend!

  2. congrats on your pain free run.
    i'm not proud of this, but it was largely out of control, la cocotte got about 10 X the amount of candy you describe in your post. we are still reeling from the sheer amount of chocolate that entered our home. i have pictures to prove it.

    1. Yikes, I am just shocked on the amount of candy that goes around on holidays and why?! Especially with kids.

  3. Happy Easter! She is adorable... I hear you on the candy for 2 year olds, we did a number of egg hunts this year and it was driving me crazy... but after a day of begging for it, she seemed to forget all about it (or bought our story that it was only for one special day). SO glad you had a pain free run, congrats!!

    1. Thanks :) So glad the candy was forgotten about. O was much more excited about the other stuff and luckily quickly forgot about the candy.


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