March is behind me

Now I can look forward to April and anticipate the exciting changes and fun times to come this month. My final day at my old job is the Friday followed by 2 weeks off and Boston Marathon, which I will be running pain free. I also have plans to get my 3rd tattoo during this time and get together with some friends to enjoy my time off.

Looking back at March I think I managed pretty well despite the leg injury. The upside was the amount of cross training, but the downside was the lack of running miles, but I feel mentally trained for anything!
  • 138 miles run including an 8K race
  • Bike 13 hours 45 min including a 2 hour spin class with 1000 other people
  • Strength training 2-3x week
  • Elliptical 12 hours 45 min which I have decided is way too much...BORING!
  • 1 swim and 1 pool running
  • Pilates 1x week
Looking back I can't complain and think I am doing pretty well adapting to no running. Good news is I remain pain free. So far 12 days off running and hope to be back by this weekend for a few easy miles.


  1. Wow! 12 miles on the elliptical is too much, I agree! :) But awesome that you could get in so much cross training. Hope your weekend run is pain free!

    1. My husband is wonderful in letting me get in my training, running is much easier when I can take the BOB with :)


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